milf (kinda smutty)

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Katya worked for gucci she always wore colourful and glamorous suits to work, she was very well known and very attractive, honestly if she wasn't lesbian and married every male would wanna marry her.
After a long day of work katya walked into her big beautiful apartment, she took her shoes off and turned the corner to she her beautiful wife washing the dishes, trixie looked up with a big smile across her face to her already smiling wife, she dried her hands and ran into her wife's arms kissing her softly on the lips. Everytime Katya comes home Trixie is always so excited to greet her, she would do anything  for Katya.
"so how was work darling?"
"nothing new just the usual"
Trixie giggled into Katyas neck and walked off to finish off the dishes, Katya walked up to Trixie to cuddle into her little bunny, she started placing kisses along her neck, Trixie let out a small moan. "you like that?"

"katya" she moaned before their lips clashed together. Katya grabbed her and sat her on the counter kissing her endlessly, she moved from lips to neck and from there she undone Trixie shirt to kiss her breasts, Trixies breasts where covered in red lipstick kisses. "Katya we can't" trixie said softly pushing Katya away.
"why not?"
"kim's coming over in like 10minutes it would be so awkward to have her walking in on us fucking" she said looking at her watch, Katya rolled her eyes and done Trixies shirt back up, they both giggled and kissed one more time, Katya lifted her wife off the counter and smacked her ass while she was on the way back to the sink. "dirty bitch!" Trixie jokingly shouted, Katya turned around and scrunched up her nose as she stuck her tongue out. "but she's my dirty bitch" Trixie whispered as Katya closed the bedroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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