"I know you have even MORE questions now. But onestly? Go check the library. The lore of this world as you can call it is pretty fun to figure out on your own."

"And all in all. This world aint that bad. Dangerous as fuck. But not bad."

....He stoped for a bit just breathing thinking and waiting for me. For my reaction for my questions.

I admit this wasnt my best choice but i got up. Took a half empty bottle of what ever alchohol they had here and drank it all in one go before sitting back down.

I tried talking. Nothing but garbled static came out.

"Okay. Lore aside. What have been doing and whats your advice on this?"

Surprisingly Will understood my horror-esque static talk.

"Living, making myself an underground arena and getting a found family. Pretty good shit all in all."

It took me a second to understand what he just FUCKING SAID.

"found family is nice. But fucking pardon."

"Underground Arena. For money and glory you must fight other people and / or wild mobs"

"Isnt that againts the law?"

"dude were in minecraft. F u c k the laws"

For a second i paused (i do this a lot these days dont i?)

"Can i join?"

Will didnt smirk, grin or react at first but simply sat up from his chair and offered me a hand to shake.

"Buddy. Pall. Friend. Your first instinct about hearing about what could be considered an underground fight club is asking to join? Even AFTER knowning you can literaly just go wherever and do whatever?"

Will was smilling ear to ear jagged yellowish fangs being displayed in an expresion of actual joy and....misschief

"Of course."

The husk took a minute to laugh quietly before i shook his hand.

"I dont know what crazy life you had before this but buddy you are IN. il figure out how to get you in tonights show aight? But you better get iron weapons. And at least maybe some gauntlets before you get in there."

NOW think about this for a moment.
This is fucking stupid you say. We ARE not ready actualy fight people for sport.
Right you are. But Will said jack shit about murder so its best assumed its non lethal.





The next few days where hectic. The Crew pretty much adopted my introverted behind the moment i steeped into the bar the second time. Mossy and Cadie and i kid you not LEAPED an impresive 5 feet in the air so they could climb me again.

Mossy didnt speak yet but her adorable hissing and Cadie's young laugh made more happy than i tought it would.

Will gave me a lethargic nod on entry before going slack and falling asleep on the counter and... I guess i finaly have an opportunity to talk to.....

Ignoring the tiny terrors using my body as a jungle gym i tried to start conversation with the 2 actualy councious adult mobs. Cupa as expected did not understand jackshit from my enderman noises but atempted to anwser the general question she though i might have.

"So! Im Cupa but you allready know that! The little bug over where who is using your shoulders as a wool pillow is my younger sister Molly!"

Molly... Mossy... I got surprisingly close there. Good job me.

So I'm An Enderman? ..... Neat *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now