1| Planes suck /505\

91 2 3

(1st person, Wilbur)

Ok, this is all ok!
I'm still alive, so whatever I'm doing, it's working
I think
I'm not sure
Maybe not
Probably not
Nah, fuck this
Not working
Hopes, I guess

My shits scattered all across the pavement, I really got kicked out, huh. Well hey, at least I got some good sleep last night!


So, how do I fix this. How did I get here, actually. I don't know, but my mothers going to be crossed if I stay out here any longer.
Gotta get my shit ass life together now. I was always told this day was going to come. Just not in this way, now I have to go all the way across the fucking sea to live a some what normal, not my words- my "mothers", life. She's a bitch

"OOII, gay boy! How's mah co- "
"Eh, could be better, wanna see a good one?"

Oh all is holy and good, scared the fucking daylight out of me. I mean at least it's not me there. Feel bad for that kid tho
Good thing I'm straight
I would be dead if not,not like I'm already dead inside tho
But I need to stop listening into others conversations. Problems, I guess

Gotta head to this stupid fucking airport, I've never been on a plane. Don't I need a passport? Am I legally leaving the uk? Illegally? Aahgg

The less I know the better

I think
Taxi, first step
I think it's, September, maybe? Well it's quite foggy, so I'll go off that. In guessing that Mother had the last straw with me. Didn't clean up after her alcoholic mess of a house. I'm not even sure how she can even afford the flat? Probably sex work. I would pity the woman if she wasn't a complete abuser, of not only alcohol and a child, but cats too. Like how in the hell, do you think you can slap a poor, beautiful, fluffy angel? I can understand anteaters, but cats? Mental. But I'm still confused on how I could last 16 years with her. Dads gone, milk I think. Jokes on him! I'm lactose intolerant!
Wait- no

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*•'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・

Random Airport Name Place, finally. I pay the cab and walk towards my destination.
(Please don't come at me, I've never been to an airport)

[time skip to on plane]

Ok, plane. Plane go, up sky, wee. Simple as that. Great, there's kids screaming, an annoyingly loud Karen screaming about, nutty pizza? Or at least I think it's a Karen. The plane hasn't even left yet, and it's surrounded by Americans. And the seat? Ok, not to lie, the seat was decent. Bout 9 hours to be, relax? Well time to do something. What the fuck is nutty pizza? In my row, there's a girl who looks to be around my age, but half dead, wonder what's she on. And a 12 year old boy, he seems to be writing something on a iPad. Types pretty fast for a kid. Homework? Americans, I wanna build a nation, but only for Europeans.

Why kids scare me? This exactly

Sleep. Sleeeeeeeep. Sleepy time tea? No, this is a plane, no tea.
time teaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

"Excuse me? Can I get any you lit something to eat?"
Is she talking to me?
"Oh, no I'm fine"
Ok, so not me
"What about you, sir?"
Oh shit- me. Uh, human contact. What do I do?
"Oh, no. I'm fine"
"Oh, ok! Enjoy your flight"
Hmm, interesting

Is this kid- drawing me? This little boy is just glancing back and north at me. Little creep- Wait, it's probably outside. Just google the awful outside world. He's probably one of those "fudanshi's" or whatever there called. Damn- that made me feel old.
Ok, not even like, 30 minutes into the flight, I want to go home. I'm not even sure where I'm going. All these Americans, so probably the us? Great, I love life. So beautiful, America;Guns;hunting;Good food? Most likely not.

What if I took apples and dipped them in cranberry juice- or sand.

I mean I wasn't sad in Europe, and I wasn't happy either. Mediocre
I really don't like anteaters

You know, that one dude was cute
What? Hold up, I'm not gay- not that there's any thing wrong with being gay, do these count as intrusive thoughts? I don't know
I'm not gay tho

Ok, just- airpods. Yeah, ok good, good.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
[time skip to a bit before landing cuz I'm running out of ideas]

"Attention all passengers, the plane will be landing shortly, please put away all devices and pull up your trays"
Good riddance. I'm tired.
Bread is good

Shit- am I homeless?
Holy fuck
Guess I'm dying
I mean it's not bad

[swoosh, plane landed and music boy outside of the airport]

(Third person)

Wilbur looked around, almost amazed from his surroundings. There not special, just different.
Looking through the smaller of his bags, looking for a clue of what the fuck he going to do with his life, finds a paper.

Go here
Richroad st
Theres shit there for you

'Wow mom, loving. Just like a letter in my lunch bag.'

'Ok, so- place
Les go'

He grabs his bags, bag + 1, not much stuff, and looks for a Taxi

(Cab/Taxi time boys)

(First person)

Woo, car
I've always found cabs boring. But they do what there supposed to do.
The driver looks like a Oompa Loompa, little short man, yellow skin

Wait, what am I going to do with my life- eat sand
Well I want to be satisfied.

That's just a stone cold shame, that I'll never be just that


This 1 chapter took me a while

And PonksArmIsNotFound? Chopped

Any way, this one is pretty short- 😐 Srry

Hopefully you liked it- thoughts?
(I got writers block half way through)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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