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Ship: Linny
Type: Fluff
TW: None.
Request: squirrelgirl71
POV: Third person, past tense.

"Luna!" Ginny groaned. "Will you please tell me where we're going! We've been walking for hours!"

Her girlfriend only smiled and shook her head. "No."

Ginny continued to groan and ask questions until Luna finally told her to shut up, which shocked the redhead, but she did nonetheless.

"Right, we're here!" Luna said excitedly. 

Ginny stared at the wall. "The Room of Requirement? What are we doing here and midnight, Luna?"

"One second, Ginny." 

A door appeared a few moments later. Luna let Ginny open it, as she was being restless and impatient.

"Woah, Luna!" Ginny exclaimed. "This is great!"

"Is it?" Luna shut the door and flopped backwards, landing on the pile of pillows. Pillows covered the entire floor, or they might've even been the floor.

"Yes, it is. Now tell me, why? Did you just miss me?"

Luna nodded. "We're in different dorms, different Houses, I never get to see you!"

"Luna, we were together all day today in the Forbidden Forest playing with Thestrals. You see me plenty."

"No I don't!" Luna groaned.

"Okay. Well, what are we going to do?"

Luna pulled out a rather large, pale blue box. "Well, you did ask me how I make my earrings... We could make earrings, or something else?"

The Gryffindor grinned. "No! Teach me how to make them! Please, I love your earrings!" she begged. "Pretty please!?"

Luna nodded. "What kind do you want? I've got more radishes, otherwise there are strawberries, oranges, lemons... I think the strawberries would go well with your hair. Or I have blueberries, those might go with your eyes."

"Hmm... I think the strawberries are pretty. You make these yourself?"

Luna nodded. "Mummy taught me when I was little, how to make charms with clay. I'm going to make some with tomatoes. Here, you need this." 

Luna began to show her girlfriend how to make earrings (half of the lesson was teaching Ginny how to not stab herself with the pliers, which was actually rather funny).

"Why do these stupid things hate me!" Ginny whined when she pinched her thumb (again) trying to close a jump ring. "Merlin, how are you so good at this!?"

"Here, let me see," Luna said, reaching for Ginny's hand. She kissed her thumb and smiled. "Better?"

"Better. Can you help me?"

"Always, Gin. Here, you want to hold the jump ring with one of the pliers, and close it with the other. See?"

"You're so much better at this than me!" she groaned. 

"You just need practice," Luna said. "Or maybe you've got Wrackspurts, I felt one in the corridor, maybe it came in here."

"Or maybe I just suck," Ginny grumbled. "What now?"She let out a yawn and stretched. She smiled when she heard Luna chuckle.

"Now we clean up," the blonde said, "and go to bed!"

Ginny wrapped her arms around Luna once they had finished cleaning and squeezed. "You are now my pillow."

"I am?"


"Gin, I-"

"My pillow," Ginny said stubbornly, tightening her hold on the other teen. "It can wait. I is tired and needs my beautiful."

Luna sighed. "Well, if you don't want it-"

"Want what?!"

She leaned over, Ginny finally letting go, and grabbed a brightly wrapped package. "I made it!"

Ginny quickly tore off the wrapping and the lid to reveal-

"MErlin, did you make this!? I didn't know you could knit! When did you make this!?" Ginny exclaimed, holding a pale purple blanket. "It's so soft and warm!"

"I taught myself this summer, when I wasn't looking for Moon Frogs near the creek," she said quietly. "I knew you'd like it, you like to go on about how cold your dorm is."

The Gryffindor grumbled, "Yeah, well, they shattered the window and they haven't fixed it... Anyway, I do, I really love it! Ooh, we can use it now!" She threw it over the both of them, then wrapped her arms around Luna, head resting on her stomach. "My gorgeous, thoughtful pillow."

"How about a real pillow so we can cuddle? Oh, not that one, it's rather ugly..." she chucked the pillow that was deemed ugly across the room.

(It was rather ugly, looked like a cat had vomited on it!)

"If Nargles make your mind go fuzzy, could they help you with sleep?" Ginny asked quietly. "I mean, because then you won't have all those thoughts running through your brain, right?"

"Theoretically, yes," Luna said dreamily. "Maybe we could find out, I'm positive that one from the corridor followed us in here... Oh, I should hide my earrings, they love to steal things, I'm positive..."

"Luna, baby, go to sleep," Ginny giggled. "Pretty please? And besides, if the little bugger steals it, that gives us an excuse to spend the day making more tomorrow!"

She gave up, taking her spot laying next to Ginny again. "Maybe they should steal them. I wouldn't have to go to History of Magic. No offence to Professor Binns or anything, but he is quite boring, you know."

"Believe me, I know. I fell asleep last time I was in his class!"

"Ginny, can we go to sleep?" The blonde let out a soft yawn.

"'Course we can. Love you, Luna."

"I love you too, Ginny."

hi, i'm so sorry this is a shorter one shot, but i'm experiencing writers block at the moment at it fucking sucks.

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