Into the wild/ Down the rabbit hole

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"Leenie what happened to you? Why can't you see that he's a monster? We are your friends. You should be by our side. We grew up together. You barely know him" Tyler pointed at Klaus in disgust "I actually miss the old version of you. At least she didn't give a damn about love"

"That girl died and she's never coming back. Get over it honey" she stated with an eyeroll "Would you please stop acting all high and mighty around me, Tyler. You are anything but that I mean I am a bitch after all, right? That what you once said. A control freak, a cunning, mean, insulting bitch"

"Well I am what you all expected" she sat down with a taunting smirk

After a little while Caroline entered the house, she glared at Tyler angrily

"You're still here? What are you doing?" She snapped at Tyler and he shrugged

"Gloating" he simply said

"Hello Caroline" Klaus greeted the blonde

"Go Tyler" Caroline told her boyfriend "Just leave"

"He destroyed my life. I plan on being present for every second of his misery until I can kill him myself" Tyler retorted causing Selena to scoff

"You destroyed your own life, Tyler" She stated "You could've had your own life but instead you focused on something you and I both know you can't never fulfill. So yes Tyler you sabotaged your own life. I don't want to hurt you so go. Get the hell out of my house before I make you"

"Tyler's mother is dead so is my brother. We're even" Klaus told Caroline "Call Bonnie. Get her to let me out of here"

"I can't help you" Caroline told him and Selena looked at her betrayed "She's not here... they left"

"I'm pretty sure you can figure out something" he told her and she sighed in frustration

"I can't okay!" She snapped

Klaus quickly picked a floor-lamp with his vamp speed and impaled her and bit her neck causing Selena and Tyler to scream in unison


"Care!" Selena kneeled down beside her fearfully

Selena looked at Klaus tearfully and he gave her nod that he will heal her. She knew he wouldn't let her die because he knew how much Caroline meant to Selena

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Caroline cried as Tyler put her down on the couch "Oh my God!"

"Care please calm down" Tyler told her softly and Selena rubbed her back

"You're going to be fine" Selena smiled at her tearfully

"Hey, hey look at me" Tyler told the blonde vampire "I'm going to fix this"

"She'll die if you don't heal her" Tyler walked towards the Original hybrid

"Beg me to save her life" The Original said tauntingly causing Selena to glare at him in disbelief

"Is that what you want? To remind me that I'm powerless against you?" Tyler narrowed his eyes at Klaus "Fine. You win, I'm nothing. Save her. Please"

"I'm sorry mate I didn't quite catch that" Klaus taunted and his fiancée was shooting him a fiery glare

"Please" Tyler desperately begged


"Please save her life" Tyler pleaded and Selena looked at Klaus desperately waiting for his answer

"See, now I think you're just telling me what I want to hear. I mean you did call me pathetic earlier" Klaus mocked with a smirk "And let's not forget what you said about Selena"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant