Ch 47 - "We Got Lost"

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"I, I don't think so," Branwen murmured. "In fact, it's a little warm in here. I think I'll go for a walk."

"We'll come with you," Dirk jumped up.

"No, that's all right. I'll be fine."

Both boys had the decency not to pursue her as she quietly slipped through the portrait hole, unnoticed by the rest of the crowd.

Branwen had been more than truthful about the heat in the room. The fire that was constantly burning on the hearth and the heat of dozens of writhing bodies had the temperature soaring. Now that she was wandering the corridors, the cool stone of the castle began to chill the warmth radiating from her face. Quickly though, the refreshing atmosphere turned to a bone-chilling freeze. Branwen hadn't paused to bring a cloak and was left now in just her thin party dress.

She paused, shivering, beside a statue on the third floor. When she looked up, she saw that the statue was of the Renaissance-era Healer, Gunhilda de Gorsemoor. Madam Pomfrey had a bust of Gunhilda in her office and often spoke of the great woman's achievement in finding a cure for dragon pox. Unfortunately the renowned witch was not easy on the eyes. She had a large hump that led her to depend on a cane and at some point in her life, she had lost an eye.

Branwen smiled up at the cold statue. "I still think you're lovely. After all, it's what's inside that counts, right?"

She leaned against the old witch, then screamed when the ground dropped out from beneath her.

Remus was the first to notice Branwen's absence. Her favourite song had come on the radio: "Dance in Her Dreams," by the Diviners. He searched over the heads of the girls around him. "Excuse me, ladies," he slid through the gap they made for him.

"James," he tapped his friend on the shoulder, "have you seen Branwen?"

James' face was almost feverish from his dancing exertions. He took a bottle of butterbeer and poured it over his head until his dark hair was dripping with sweat and sticky amber liquid. He shook until the disgusting drops landed on Remus' cringing face. "I haven't see her, mate. But hey, you were talking to Evans, right? Maybe you could –?"

Remus didn't hang around to listen. He wandered over toward Alice, who was sitting on Frank's lap. "Um, Alice?"

"Hmm? Oh!" She jumped up, blushing furiously.

Remus ignored her embarrassment and asked, "Have you seen Branwen?"

"No, I haven't. Would you like me to check our dorm?"

He nodded.

As Alice trotted up the stairs, Frank grinned at Remus, who shoved his hands in his pockets. "All right, Lupin?"

He nodded. "You?"

"Couldn't be better," Frank kept smiling. "Alice is sure something, isn't she? You know, I think I'm going to marry that girl."

Remus sputtered. "Wh-what! But you've only known each other for....I mean she's so're so young!"

"I'm not going to marry her tomorrow, Lupin," he shrugged. "I just figure, when I know it, I know it. What's the use of denying the inevitable?"

Remus had no answer. Thankfully, Alice returned at that moment. "She's not in our room. Sorry, Remus."

Remus nodded, then headed for the portrait hole.

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