Struggle and Escape

Comenzar desde el principio

As soon as he spoke, a group of teachers poured in and the police were called about the incident. They were startled at the sight of blood on his knee but brought him away.

Midorima observed the room and his eyes caught a bottle cap on the floor which was unusual because no drinks were allowed inside the trophy room. He picked it up and handed it to Akashi who looked thoughtful. Eventually, the group headed to the nurse to check on Yui.

< Infirmary >

" There we go. I've applied ice to your face but I recommend you go to the hospital to check for a possible concussion," The nurse said as she cleaned up the blood on her lip and applied antiseptic.

Kise was a ball of nerves while Kuroko and Momoi sat next to Yui and kept their eyes on her. She looked so pitiful right now that they felt their hearts ache at what happened to her. Yui hadn't said a word since they arrived at the nurses' office as she was still shaken over the incident and in shock.

'I may have died once but this...I didn't think such a thing could happen to me. W-what if I hadn't got away? Would I have..?' She started breathing restlessly and Momoi took her hands.

" Hey, hey Yui. You're fine now. Nothing will happen to you okay? Akashi-kun will take care of it," Momoi rubbed Yui's back affectionately. The two boys said nothing but stayed close. Just then, the door opened to reveal the rest of the group.

Akashi stared at Momoi as if asking for an update which she gave. "Yui-chan is shocked right now and still very shaken. She hasn't said a word since we got here. As for injuries, there is a possibility of a concussion and she has a bruised cheek with a torn lip,"

Aomine growled and Murasakibara clenched his fists. Unknowingly, Yui had somehow made a way into all these miracles hearts with her food and kindess despite not meeting them for more than two times aside from Kuroko and Momoi.

There was a knock on the door and in walked a woman with a stern aura and a man trailing behind her in a police uniform. The woman's gaze softened at the sight of the girl surrounded by her friends.

" I'm sorry, this must be a difficult time however, I will need to ask Arai-san some questions,"

Kise stepped up but Akashi stopped him and spoke to the lady. " Miss Detective, Arai has just encountered something traumatic and has been hurt both physically and mentally. I'm sure your questions can wait,"

Both the lady and policeman gulped as they stared at the intimidating middle-schooler. The lady detective thought this boy looked familiar then her eyes widened in recognition. He was Akashi Seijuro, the heir to the Akashi co-operation and someone who cannot be touched. She sighed. "Come on Takeda, we'll leave our contact with her so she can call us once she's ready,"

The man; Takeda looked confused but didn't question his superiors order. Just as he was about to write down their contact, a soft voice spoke up startling everyone in the room.

"Um, I think...I can answer your questions." Yui spoke up for the first time and gave thankful look to Akashi. Momoi immediately reacted, "Yui-chan you don't have to talk if you're not feeling like it,"

The others nodded in agreement. Yui thought it was nice of them to care for her but she wanted to get this out of the way. " I'm fine to talk. I was indeed shaken up but I think I've calmed down enough,"

The lady nodded and got out her pen and notepad. " Alright Arai-chan, if you don't feel good then let me know and I'll stop okay?" she got a nod and started. " Can you tell me exactly what happened that led up to the event?"

" Um well, I was distracted in class and our new substitute teacher gave me detention under Joi- that man's supervision where I would have to clean some things in the trophy room. I somewhat assumed that there would be other students there was only me,"

A tear dripped down her face and Kise quickly handed her a tissue.

" Can you tell what happened after that and how he got that injury on his knee?"

" Oh that. Um well you could say that the man was known by many students as a pervert and a pedophile so I prepared some things in advance in case something happened...which it did. I once read about how you can stop a door from locking by jamming a cork into the lock space so instead of a wine bottle cork I opted for a bottle cap and placed it into the lock space when he wasn't looking."

Everyone seemed relatively impressed that she could think of such a thing.

" With the knee....just a couple of minutes before my...friends arrived, I asked if I could be excused since I had finished my detention quota. He refused," Kuroko and the rest frowned.

" He threatened to go to my homeroom teacher and say I skipped my detention. I was already feeling uncomfortable the whole time I was there because I could feel him staring at me. When he locked the door or thought he locked it, that's when I knew my worst fear was coming true,"

Yui bit her bottom lip to keep more tears from falling. Her voice trembled, " I-I through a rag at his face and ran towards the door but he caught and slammed me to the ground. H-he started swearing at me and flipped me onto my back. I fought as much as I could so he struggled to pin my hands down. I managed to grab my readily sharpened pencil that I had prepared earlier and stabbed it into his knee,"

Everyone was surprised once a again by the girl's courage and decisiveness. Not many would be able to do what she did but this girl had made an escape plan and followed through with it. Even Akashi felt impressed.

There were a few more questions asked and Yui answered all of them without holding back. The lady detective then proceeded to ask the group some more questions since they were witnesses and Akashi took the liberty of answering for them. He gave the bottle cap to the lady who placed it in a bag.

They said the trial for the bastard's crime would be smooth as they had more than enough evidence and witnesses and he would be put away for a very long time.

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