Chapter 2; Principal Nezu (EDITTEDD!!!

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Midoriya was doing fine. Perfectly fine. This is until this huge ass robot comes out of nowhere, jesus, what the hell is UA's budget?

No but for real, this thing was massive.

His natural instincts told him to run, but his other, slightly selfish, reasons told him to go up there and knock on it a few times. And maybe score some rescue points...

Whatever, this is a entrance exam, they probably wont let anyone die or get seriously injured if they can prevent it, right?

On second thought, this was the hero world they were going into. They have to be prepared for these things, final bosses, as some would say.

He was cut out of his thinking, rudely if I may add, by some random guy yelling, "Run! The zero pointer is here!"

'Run? What do you take me for, a pussy?' Midoriya thought to himself, 'Man... I could reallllyyyy go for some onigiri rn.'

But alas, he heard a shout and his body seemingly moved on its own. Soon he saw himself running towards a brown haired girl stuck under some rubble.

'Ah shit, what command do I use? Should I use one? Bruh I am so not prepared for these typa situations in hero work..'

'Ill do what I do best that isnt verbal, brute force! And maybe sneak in a 'run away'...'


Once I got close enough I saw that she had pink cheeks that looked like they were painted on, 'those are kinda fire looking wont lie'.

I used my back to prop the rubble up and sneaked in the "Run Away" command and it worked like a charm.

She ran and ran and soon she bumped into someone, who, I dont know.

I dropped the rubble once I had braced myself for the loud sound it would emit. But sadly, an even louder sound shrieked out, "TIMES UPP!!!"

I listened to Present Mic and stared off into space, 'Who knew I could lift a fucking boulder the size of Everest'

I started walking where everyone was headed, I dont know where they were going but oh well.

After a bit I realized that we were supposed to be going home. I had just been following random people.

I was still inside UA walls so atleast I knew that I hadnt followed anyone home, but the next thing that happens is the weirdest shit ive ever seennn...

A fucking rat appeared. A talking rat.

'Oh shit this is Nezu' I thought to myself after a bit. I was kinda being slow, thinking back on it.

"Mr. Midoriya, may we converse for a little bit, it wont take long at all, around 5 minutes. Then you can head home!" He cheerfully said, I instantly knew something was up. But whatever something was didnt have ill intentions. He seemed genuine.

So I agreed.

With a simple shake of my head he led me to what I presumed to be his office, 'time to act smart and mature..'

"I was so excited when I first learned of your quirk! Its so interesting, if you dont mind, Id like to discuss it over some tea." He said extremely enthusiastically.

I shrugged my shoulders and hoped he would get the sign to start asking questions, and he did.

"First off, how exactly does it work?" He gestured to the seat that was in front of the one he sat in, so I sat there, then he gestured to a pencil and paper, so I started writing.

"My quirk is called 'Cursed Speech'. I have something called a 'Snake & Fangs' seal on my tongue and around the sides of my mouth. This seal allows me to use my quirk and command someone, forcing all of those who hear it to obey. A more demanding command uses more energy than a more relaxed one, if I were to fight someone with a very strong quirk relaxed commands would take much more energy. From what I know, using an amplifier like a bullhorn doesn't effect my quirk, cellphones don't either."

I wrote.

"Okay second to last question, how exactly do you communicate, I know that theres a code but what exactly does the code look like?" He asked.

I thought for a moment on how to format this thing, and settled with the easiest option available.

"Safe words:

Salmon = affirmative

Bonito Flakes = disagreement

Kelp = greeting

Pickled mustard leaf = worry/concern

salted salmon roe = to grab the attention

Ikura = ahh

Mentaiko = something like "whoops"

Tuna = focus

Tuna tuna = look

Tuna mayo = talk"

"Final question, how did you figure out the secret to the test?"

I wrote down,

"This is UA, there has to be secrets like that."

"Good answer, good answer, now finally, I know I just said that that was the final question, but may I see that 'Snake and Fangs' seal of yours? Im sorry im just extremely curious!" The chimera said practically bouncing in his high chair like a toddler when they make a huge mess on their face and the parent is just deadpanned. Yeah, that explained what the faces of the two looked like right about now.

'Alright, just dont say anything.'

'I wonder what he means by that.. its likely he was bullied for it. Thats the most plausible option, whatever I do or say has to be encouraging in a way. He seems to be the type to catch onto the way somebody feels towards him quickly, and seems a bit insecure. His body language basically says it all. Interesting..' the chimeras mind raced with thoughts about things he had observed, which in comparison to other people, isnt a whole lot.

Midoriya was definitely in some way hurt, ridiculed, or ostracized. Which all fall under bullying, and its his personal responsibility to guarantee it to never happen again.

A/N: yesss its been so long but its doneee. it definitely sucks a lot but idrc at this moment, ill fix it up laterrr.

anyways, have a great rest of ur day and a wonderful one tomorrow! i literally care for u guys so much, im so sorry i cant provide with a lot of content. i dont have an excuse, im just lazy and a slacker. make sure to stay hydrated and get sleep! whether it be at night or day! byebye!!

1059 words

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