Chapter 11 - Looting Secrets

Start from the beginning

"No way. There's got to be a reason for this."

Kurumi looked over and saw a picture of the same girl in a picture frame on a dresser. "Hmmm. I wonder." She went over to grab it. Then went over to Shido as he was in disbelief. "If I may." She stacked the photo and the CD between the side of her head and her pistol. "Allow me. Zafkiel, Yud!" She pulled the trigger leaving the boys nearly browning their pants. "Don't worry. Let me see what information comes to me. We shall figure things out."

"Oh my God." (FN) turned around and caught his breath. "That's tough getting used to."

"Don't worry my Dear. We'll be just fine. You okay following my lead?" She smiled at him. 

"Well I can't say it couldn't hurt, but I'm going to have to try. We've gotten this far. I know your powers will only do so much. But let's go for it. I'm in Babe. Uht!"

Kurumi smirked. "Oh really?  Is that so." She cooed. "Ara-ara. Do you even know what you're saying?"

"Well, yes and no?"

"Hehe. Oh (FN). So shy. Confident but have this tense build up. Oh my."

Shido grabbed the CD and put is in a stereo system nearby the dresser in the room. "Just one song. That's all I need."


Kurumi had a Plan A. She knew where Miku was located. No surprise it was the stadium. The place that she loved so much because she lived and adored attention. The pomposity of it all. A selfish girl controlling spirit girls not named Kurumi and Tohka because she was captured by DEM. So what's the worst that could happen? Considering the odds in the numbers game and not knowing the full capacity of Kurumi because Kotori almost defeated her at one point, this was nerve wracking on all accounts. 

The three of them were in front of the stadium and entering inside to confront her. Miku in the microphone was talking down to Shido. Calling him filth and a waste of space. She was a manolist (a person that hates men), but those stretch it by so many regards. As Miku saw the three of them approaching and getting near the stage, this is when the twins and Yoshino with Yoshinon in her giant form. It was awful knowing that the three of them were brainwashed and on her side now. 

"You. Slime, other man. I assume this girl here brought you?" Boomed Miku.

"You can say that." Smirked Kurumi. 

"Remember. She can't sign." Shido said over to Kurumi.

"No worries." Kurumi smirked. Gun to the head. "Zafkiel. Aleph." Pull of the trigger.

Miku started playing her small organ. Sending her wishes to have the three spirits on their attack. Though Kurumi had other plans. Phase one. Army of Kurumi. Her clones or countless bodies of her in different times and/or dimensions. The regular attendants were held but the ghostly white hands she summoned. But they weren't in any danger. The clones were holding the spirits occupied as the Kurumi grabbed Miku. She gasped as she had taken Miku in a blackhole realm. Two Kurumi clones brought the boys down too. 

"Where are we!?" Shouted Miku. "I want to get away from you?"

"You to help us save the other spirit or not?" Asked (FN).

"Shut up! Wait, what, spirit?" Miku gave it attention now. 

"The spirit Tohka that played on that stage with Shido that played the drums. She's held hostage right now by DEM. Those wizards."

"Why should I help a man?" She was angry, frustrated, and her hate wasn't letting up at all.

"It helps you too if we get rid of DEM Miku. Or is it Tsukino?" Asked Shido.

Miku gasped. "What!?"

"Oh, did I fail to mention that? Let's speed this up. Let's get DEM off your back. If we free Tohka we can help get rid of them. We need all the help we can get. I want to help you too after this is over. I wanted to from the very beginning. I don't care if I'm hurt in the process."

"I refuse."

< I'm sorry. Time to cut this short. >

The three of them returned back to the normal realm. A little fatigued, but all of them are well. The Kurumi clones were ousted by Yoshinon rage. Impaling all of them. Kurumi attended to the boys. Using her right hand to hook their arms. "Sorry boys. Time to retreat. They have the advantage and I'm tapping low on power." Gun to the head again. "Zafkeil. Aleph." Pull of the trigger. With this time, they vanished. Getting the three of them to safety. 

She got them to a safe place. Out of the range of the spirits. They looked at the night sky and sat on bench. Kurumi seemed pleased with herself. The boys however felt glum. Feeling unsatisfied. As if that one and possibly their last chance just outright failed. There was more to it then that. On both accounts. That and Kurumi must have known something else. What could it be?"

(FN) poked his head up. "Sorry we failed Kurumi. She just got pissed at us. I know you really put in the work too. Our fault."

"Awww. Thank you My Sweet. Praising me. Can you pet my head. I really need you right now." She cooed at him. 

"Sure?" And he reached over to pet the top of her head. Nervous that his doing this to his crush.

"I showed her a little of my power and I don't think she would reach to get in our way. So that's good. And," Kurumi hugged up against (FN). "You asked her to join forces. Right?" Blowing wind in his ear. "You made a good decision Darling. I always knew you were smart."

"Okay that's uhhh-"

"So glad you didn't try to lie to me Sweetheart. You aren't good at it." Nibbling on his ear for two soft bites and then leaning back so she can stand up to talk to both of them with both of their forward attention. "I also know where Tohka is. DEM. Building one. The skyscraper. But let's be careful. I think they know we're coming. And I can't afford for either of you to be hurt."


It's on. War is going on and Miku is still playing her game. What happens? Next time, Flatliner. 


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