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All he could feel was the mind numbing pain engulfing his body... His eyes too heavy to open, and the words around him too jumbled to decipher. All he could do was drift in between the world of wakefulness, and his unconscious mind.

The shorts spurts of when he was conscious was confusing and dreamlike, shadowy figures gathered around him with flashing colorful lights. As he could feel himself being moved, and straps of leather keeping him in place.

Beeping... A constant annoyance that made his head hurt. Turning his head to at least try and muffle it, only to feel a hand placed on his chest, and a kind and gentle voice enter his ears.


Everything slowly seemed to come back to him after that... His Dad driving him home from detention... The Argument they had... And that bright light... As the memories came, more questions emerged. As he forced his eyes open, blinded by the light before focusing on his Mother's face in front of him.


"Hey, baby..." Misako had tears in her eyes, as he could feel her hand on his cheek. "You okay?"

"Where am I?" Lloyd struggled to sit up to get a better view of his surroundings, only to be pushed back down by his mother. "What happened?"

"You're in the Hospital, sweetie..." Misako kept her voice hushed. "You and your father were in a car crash..."

"Dad?" Lloyd remembered the harsh words he last said to him... A rush of guilt flowing through him. "Where is he? Is he okay?"

"Lloyd... Baby.." Misako did her best to keep her emotions at bay. "You... In the crash, the car was sent towards the cliff side... you where thrown from the car but... Your father wasn't so lucky..."

"Mom..." Lloyd could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Lloyd..." Misako began to sob. "But your Dad isn't coming home..."

He was struck silent, as his mother just sat there crying... Tears rolling down his cheek as he reached his hand up to comfort her. The words he said to his father piercing through his skull...


He honestly felt sick to his stomach, as he sat there realizing that he would never get the chance to apologize.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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