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Corpse's POV^

It was early morning, again, when I fell tired on my bed. I've spent the whole night, working on a lyrics. I should have went to bed like a normal person in a normal time. Welcome to a new episode where I probably oversleep the whole day, I guessed.
I got a lot in my mind, that moment..
Last day-.. that rainy day..
I still got no idea how I was able to go that far...
I don't know how I haven't cared if she would recognize me..
Well-.. she would recognize me, latest if she'd call that number..

Me,"She's not stupid!"

I rolled on my stomach and pushed my face into the pillow.
Lilith was a influencer herself, back than already..
She haven't made a lot of effort to hide her identity.
Why should she call a stranger, who sneaked his number into her jacket?
I could be a creepy fan!
I remembered that moment on repeat-..

Me,"Agh, I gave her my brolly and sneaked my number into her pocket-.. what a cliche!"

I almost fell asleep, as my phone got a notification..
With tired eyes, I took a look on my display.
Instagram: CryBaby replied to your story.
And hello, I was awake!
I rolled to lay on my back and opened the chat..

And hello, I was awake!I rolled to lay on my back and opened the chat

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How bad?
I clicked on my story..

How bad? I clicked on my story

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I answered, two hours before, a few questions of my followers and this was one of them...
I laughed when I went back to the chat.

I laughed when I went back to the chat

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Me,"How d-..?!"

Third POV^ => back to Lilith.

The female streamer put her phone away and took some clothing out to get changed.
Lilith took her stuff and left her apartment together with Zzemi.

Zzemi,"Lilith, turn around!"

Without hesitation, she turned around and meets Zzemi with her phone weaponed.

Without hesitation, she turned around and meets Zzemi with her phone weaponed

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Zzemi,"Photo model of the year."

Lilith,"What choice do I got, if ya simply picture me like that? You cannot warn me?"

Zzemi,"Why should I? Spontaneous pics are the best!"

Lilith hit the button for the elevator of the building and stepped with her friend in.

Lilith,"Thanks for your company! It'd be quite boring alone, all the time."

Zzemi,"No problem, my timetable is empty, right now. And I got some stuff to buy."

Both of them covered their faces under a face mask and made their way outdoor.

*W̸a̸d̸d̸u̸p̸ b̸a̸b̸y̸?̸❤︎✞⌫ ||Corpse Husband X ocWhere stories live. Discover now