Today was Auston's off day. You knew he'd be spending it sleeping and hanging out with the guys. So you tried to leave him alone and let him enjoy his day. You tried your best trying to stay busy to keep your mind off of missing Auston.

It wasn't until you climbed into bed, where you started to really miss Auston. It felt as if you were missing apart of you. You decided to lay on his side of the bed taking in his scent in from his pillow. Thinking it would maybe make things better but it only made it worse.

You grabbed your phone quickly checking the time making sure it wasn't too late where Auston was.

You then sent him a quick text.

Y/N: Can I call you? I miss your voice

You stared at the screen for a little before seeing that Auston had read the message. You then saw the three dots pop up at the bottom left of the screen. After a couple seconds they disappeared. You waited but then suddenly your ring tone goes off, showing you that Auston was calling to facetime.

You smiled and quickly accepted it. He smiled as soon as you appeared on his phone.

"Thought you missed my face too" He laughed as the call connected

You smiled so big and felt your heart speed up as his voice rang through your phone's speakers.

"Are you coming home yet?" You whined to him

"Y/N you know it'll be a couple more days until I'm home" He reminded

"I know! I just miss you so much"

"I miss you too"

You and Auston had been talking for a while until you started to doze off. As you were trying so hard to keep your eyes open you could hear Auston talking to someone. You assumed it was Freddie by the sounds of it.

"Did you tell her yet?" You heard Freddie ask

"I'm not going to tell her I love her yet. We just started dating I'm going to scare her away"

Hearing Auston say that startled you awake. You laid in shock trying not to move too much or he'd know you were awake. Then you couldn't keep it in any longer.

"You love me?"

You heard Auston mumble some thing to Freddie but it wasn't clear on your end. You suddenly hear a door close on Auston's end. Shortly after he appears on your screen.

"I thought you were asleep babe" He said trying to act like he never heard what you said

"You love me?" You ask again making sure he can't dodge it this time

Auston's cheeks go as red as tomatoes. "How can I not? Y/N I have loved you for a while. Like way before a asked you to be my girlfriend-"

"Auston" You said trying to get his attention

"I can't believe I only asked you out a month ago. I should've done it way sooner. But I was scared I'd ruin our friendship-"

"Auston" You try again

"I didn't want to say I loved you too soon because I didn't want you to get scared and break up with me. You're just so amazing Y/N, I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. You're my perfect girl-"

"AUSTON" You yell at your screen this time

He stops and stares at you "Yeah"

"I love you too" Was all you said

It was silent you two were just staring at each other. Until a smile grew on his face.

"You have no idea how good that makes me feel. To hear that you feel the same is such a relief"

You laughed a little at him. The way he worried about what you would say back was cute.

"I have for a while too! I just didn't know how to express it. You're everything I could ask for. You're my dream guy Auston, and I love you" You said before you started falling asleep again

"I love you too Y/N. I think you should get back to sleep. I'll call you in the morning"

All you did was smile and nod at him. "Good night baby. I love you"

"Good night princess, I love you too" Auston said before hanging up the call and letting you sleep

"Good night princess, I love you too" Auston said before hanging up the call and letting you sleep

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