Chapter 17: Unseen manice

Start from the beginning

At the sound of my voice, he was shaken from his trance and slowly turned his gaze towards me. Again, I stopped in my tracks, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights. Blackwing seemed to be confused for a few seconds, eyeing me up and down as if making sure I was staring right back at him. "He's here." Arthas repeated more urgently, his dark eyebrows knotting together.

"What?" I stuttered, my hands shaking at my side. Suddenly his gaze grew more urgent as he stepped towards me, grasping both my shoulders tightly in his hands. I could almost feel his fingers digging into the skin but at the same time it was like I was touched by ice.

"You have to go." Arthas barked, eyes staring right into mine. "You have to run."

"I, - I... what are you talking about?" I wasn't sure whether I should feel frightened by his presence, or the threat he was referring to. There was no hostility in his eyes as he looked at me. Yet, the memory of him practically tearing Eagle's Fall to pieces was something that I couldn't forget.

Arthas sighed in frustration, his eyes darting back in the direction he'd been staring at before. Then, his eyes widened and his jaw clenched. "I am too late." He mumbled.

"Arthas?" I tried to shake him, to try and get his attention back to me but my hands went right through his body, as if trying to catch air. It was as if he'd slipped into a dream. Then, his body started to disappear and turn into smoke.

Just before he was completely gone he turned back towards me. A familiar phrase he spoke, but not in the way he said it before. "You will not survive." It sounded sad, apolagic even, as if it was his fault and that he regretted it with all his heart.

I was left standing there by myself, eyebrows furrowed, breath caught in my throat. That icy, menacing presence remained but I realized that it wasn't him. Quite the contrary, the presence was more evident now than ever.

It was silent aside from the usual noise from the city. A silence that suddenly felt heavy and threatening. Somehow I started to regret that he left, even though he'd been my enemy mere months ago.

With shaking limbs, I cautiously made my way into the room, looking around the corner before stalking towards the nightstand and grasping my sword tightly in my hands. Outside, I couldn't hear the troopers converse as usual. Instead, I heard heavy footsteps making their way towards the door, accompanied by a bone-chilling mad chuckle that echoed through the room.

Then, I saw the doorknob turning and knew that I had no time left to decide on what to do. When a hooded figure came through the door opening I grasped the nearest thing I could grasp and threw it his way. The vase shattered as it hit his head and I left him no time to recover before I jumped right onto him, sword raised.

But this man had unusual reflexes. He'd dodged my attack, and instead used my speed against me and threw me against the wall in one swift move. "Wait!" I didn't register his voice, instead I went right back to attack after I'd recovered. Grasping his arm that was holding onto a lightsaber, I pushed him against the opposite wall with a load yell.

He budged easily and threw his hands up in the air, which made me stall my movements. Using my temporal confusement, he wringed the blade from my hand and turned us around, so that I was safely pinned against the wall. I had already started to raise my knee to knock him in the sensitive parts when I looked at him. It was when l I noticed the icy blue of his eyes that I realized who it was.

"Lyanna, calm down!" He yelled swiftly. We both took a deep breath to calm ourselves, studying each other as we filled out lungs. "It's me." He spoke softer after.

"Obi!" I whispered accusingly when I had somewhat recovered. "You scared me to death!"

"I scared you?!" Obi Wan's brows were furrowed, his eyes widened in temporary anger. "I was the one that got attacked the moment I entered!"

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now