Chapter 35

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-Grace's POV-

Calum uncovers my eyes and I gasp at the sight I'm seeing. The Skydeck Chicago. I've been dreaming about coming here since I was 3. Tori told me that we didn't have time to stop here, and it devastated me. Good thing Calum is here.

I turn to him, with probably the goofiest smile ever, "Why'd you bring me here?"

Calum shyly looks down, "I remember you talking about going to it since you were younger. And I knew that Tori told you no, but here we are." Calum smiles, still not making eye contact and I get on my tippy toes and wrap my arms around his neck. He lightly rubs the small of my back as he returns the hug.

We kind of stand there awkwardly until I grab his hand and start running towards the building. The Skydeck Chicago is a skyscraper that is 1,353 feet above street level. There is a ledge that you can walk on and see almost every view in Chicago. There is 103 floors and I plan on going all the way to the top.

We get half way up and I notice Calum starts to fidget, and his grip on my hand tightens. S***, I forgot that he was afraid of heights. (A/N: I don't think that's true, but for all intensive purposes, he is now.) I feel like such an a**hole.

"Uh, Calum," I say and he looks at me, "If you don't want to continue, we can't stop and go back down." He blushes and shakes his head. "Are you sure?" He squeezes my hand again, this time for reassurance and I let it go. We get up to the 103rd floor, and Calum is physically shaking. I can see his hands moving rapidly, even though he tries to hide it.

I wrap my arm around his waist, trying to comfort him and he looks down at me and smiles, "It's okay, Calum. You don't have to go anywhere near the ledge. You're fine, I promise." He nods and I let go of his waist and walk out on the ledge. The view is breathtaking. I thought that I would never see this and now, I'm afraid of forgetting it.

I stand out there for a couple minutes till I hear Calum call my name in a shaky voice. I turn around and walk back over to him, "We need to go to the studio." I nod and take one more look out, I'll never forget this place.

"Thank you so much for this, Calum." I kiss his cheek, and it warms up. I feel my own face heat up and grab his hand for the trip down.

We get down to ground level and Calum is still shaking, but not nearly as bad. We make our way back to the tour bus and the boys are packed up and ready to leave. They have our stuff packed too, so Calum must have told them what he was doing. On the way to the studio, and during rehearsal, I think about our walk back. It was really pleasant. There was no awkwardness and we just walked and talked, holding hands. To any bystanders, we probably looked like any ordinary couple. Instead, we are two celebrities, one who would do anything to get his girl back, and one who is afraid of getting her heart broken again.

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