chapter seven|| innocence and life

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"Niall!" I turned to see who was calling me. I saw Louis running up to me, pushing students aside lightly to pass. He smiled when he reached me, making me smile back. "Hi Louis." I greeted him. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against him. I was a little suprised at first but soon respounded to the hug.

"I want to show you something." He told me as he let go of me. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards his car. "Louis I was planning on playing a bit of football this afternoon." I groaned trying not to trip. He opened the car door for me and pushed me in. "We can play together after." He closed the door and walked over to his side before getting in.

He started up the car and drove off campus. The ride was long and silent but I didn't mind it much. Being silent with Louis was always comfortable. The car stopped after a while, making me look out the window in curiosity. We were parked on the side of a road surrounded by the woods. It almost seemed like we were lost in the middle of nowhere.

Louis got out the car, making me do the same. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me with him into the woods. "You have to promise that you wont tell anyone about this place." He stopped and turned around. He stared at me hopefully, waiting for my answer. I nodded. "I promise Louis." He smiled and continued pulling me deep in the woods.

He suddenly stopped, making me bump into his back. "Louis!" I groaned from the sudden impact. He let go of my hand and moved to my side, letting me know what he was hidding. My eyes widened as I saw the scene. There was a small waterfall of about 3 meters high with a little river. The grass around was a healthy green with very few rocks around to sit on. The air smelled pure and the sound of the waterfall was calming.

Louis walked over near the river and sat down on the grass instead of a rock. I followed and sat beside him. We stayed silent for a moment, enjoying the moment. I then realized that more the days went, more I found a liking in Louis. I hated myself for it since I was meant to love Harry. But Harry wasnt the boy I fell for anymore and I didn't know if we could make it work.

I shook my head a little, not wanting to think about it. In this moment I was with Louis and he was the only one I should be thinking about. Falling for Louis wouldn't be that bad. I was getting used to the idea of it.

"I come here to think and when I want to be alone. I found this place when I was 14. My dad wanted us to pass some father and son time so he took me out camping in the woods. He said it was what real men did. We set our tent not too far from here. He told me to go get wood and I found this place. I also found out my dad had left me here alone when I came back to our camping site." Tears ran down his face as he spoke. I didn't know what to do. I was frozen. I just stared at him.

"He didn't accept the fact that I liked boys so he left. He hated me so much that he left me in the woods Niall." He turned his head in my direction and smiled slightly. "I never showed this place to anyone or told them what happened. Not that anyone would care anyways." He looked back at the river, a few tears still leaving his eyes. I moved closer to him so that our shoulders touched.

"Thats not true Louis. I care and i'm here for you." He closed his eyes and shook his head. "I shouldn't be complaining to you. I still have my mother while you lost both parents. Its not fair." I shushed him and rubbed his back a little. "Want to know something?" I asked. He nodded slightly, wanting to think about something else.

"My parents were far from the best. I never had anyone actually care about me until I met the styles triplets. You have your mother and your sisters who love you so damn much. I didn't lose my parents because I never really had them and your father was an idiot for leaving. If he saw the men you became he would be so proud." He stayed silent after that. We watched the water in front of us and listened to the natures sounds.

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