Chapter 22

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Landing in Spain was bitter sweet. In this country our lives would change as we know it for possibly ever. Yeonjun was glued to his moms hip since Paris. I felt horrible hiding the truth from him and I prayed to everything all big and holy for this not to blow up in my face when the time comes and I have to tell him. Yeonjun had gotten really good at flirting and I was getting a little Jealous but I knew it was for the mission so I threw thoughts feelings and thoughts away. We all decided to eat dinner before going and scouting out the club we would have to meet Jennie at in a few days. I really like really did not want to go. I was mentally drained and a club setting was probably going to make it worse. Plus I didn't want to watch Yeonjun practice his flirting even more. 

"(Y/N) you have been too quiet for a couple days now. Are you okay?" I stuffed a piece of backed sweet potato in my  mouth and nodded quickly.

"Do I have to go to the Club?" I asked with a mouth full of food to maybe not get caught saying what I was saying. Everyone looked at me worried. I had stayed strong and Stoic the entire time we have been doing this but I was getting tired. I had not been able to grief Lucas properly and now knowing the truth behind everything really brought me down. As a recovering alcoholic and party girl I didn't want to jeopardize my progress by going to a club feeling like this. 

"No you dont have to go. You maybe do need a break since you have been working nonstop. You also have been taking care of everyone else so maybe an all about you day alone would be good for you." Buby petted the back of my head and kissed the side reassuring me it was okay if I didn't go. Yeonjuns face read nothing but concern written across it. 

We finished diner and everyone went to get ready. I curled up on the bed with a book trying to relax my body and mind. 

"Babe? Can you help me for a second?" Yeonjun called out to me from the balcony of our room. I thought he was getting dressed in the bathroom so I walked to him quickly. The sight was far worse than what I ever in my life wanted to see. 

"If you scream I will shoot him. His father was weak but I definitely am not." Yeonjun had a gun to his head, his back to Charlie and his hand up. Charlie had his left arm wrapped around Yeonjun chest securing him in his body. 

"Charlie what is this? What are you doing?" I cried. He looked distraught and disheveled. He had red dilated eyes and his hair was tossed around his head and it looked like he had not slept in day. 

"I am doing this for us. I love you (Y/N) and if I marry you then the company will be mine and I will get all the drugs I want to help me survive." Yeonjun nodded realizing his was the very first lab rat to all of the new products. 

I reached behind me and got handed a gun by Tita. She stayed out of the plain sight so the situation would get worse. I stopped to think for a few seconds. Tears ran down my face but I had to do what I had to do for the one I love. I pointed the Gun at Charlie but did not have a clear shot. If I shot him right now I would injure Yeonjun. 

"Charlie don't make me do this! Please? You are one of my best friends and I am sorry you had to go through the torture our families put you through but please don't do this. I can help you. Just put your gun down, let Yeonjun go, and take my hand." He thought about it for a minute but then our house was surrounded by the authorities making the situation escalate more than it needed to. 

"JUST SHOOT HIM!!" Yeonjun yelled.

"I CANT I WILL HURT YOU IF I DO!!" I cried hysterically not knowing what to do. 

"Baby look at me please. You will only hurt me not kill me. okay? If you have a semi clear shot... take it." 

"SHUT UP OR I WILL KILL YOU FOR REAL THIS TIME!!" I analyzed his position and Yeonjuns position against him. I had a semi clear shot of his neck but it could possibly graze Yeonjuns Shoulder.  I shook my head crying even more. If I shot is neck he would die almost instantly from bleeding out. 

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and pulled the trigger. 

The world went silent around me and I felt like I was drowning. Yeonjun had a chunk of his shoulder bleeding but he ran to me unarming me and hugging me tight. 

"You did so good baby. I am so Proud of you come on lets go inside." He was trying to shield me from the mess I had just created. 

I hopped in the shower after cleaning Yeonjuns wound and Sewing it up for him. The blood from doing that dripped down to the bottom of the tub and down the drain. I was stuck in my thoughts until I felt Yeonjuns body pressed up against mine and his arms holding me tight. He didn't go to the club and we just sent Tita and Buby instead. 

"I promise if we are in a situation where you have to shot someone again... I will do it instead. You have done so much with no complaining and I should take some responsibility for that." He kissed my shoulder between every few words. I closed my eyes taking in the feeling of his lips. 

"I love you Yeonjun!" 

"I love you to (Y/N)!"

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