Chapter 1- Have you Heard?

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This chapter sucks, but bear with me it gets better.

I screeched as I crashed head first into a tall tree. Then, I fell down with a loud thud and groaned, "Why me?"

"Would you really like to know?" A masculine voice spoke while trying to hold their laughter in. "Well, you ARE clumsy, stupid, idiotic, a klutz... I can go on.

"Stop making fun of me."

"Okay, okay...." Ren mumbled, giving me a hand. "So, where to next?"

"To eat of course! Will you give me a piggyback ride?"

He sighed, but eventually gave in. "You're so lazy sis."

We walked for about an hour before we arrived at a village.  It was a small place, almost like a ghost town.  Many of the shops were permanently closed and dusty as if they hadn't been touched in years.  There were very few people, and they seemed very secretive with black cloaks and their heads hanging low.

"Excuse me? Is there somewhere to eat around here?" Ren questioned the nearest woman politely.

She turned around and her eyes widened taking a look at us.  "You must be new. I haven't seen you around before."

My brother scratched his neck nervously.  "We're just passing through town."

"There is a place named Yakitori-ya right on top of that hill.  It's a ten minute walk."  She then looped her arm through Ren's with a flirtatious look.  "If you want, I can take you there."

Ren simply pushed her away and started walking rapidly, pulling me along. 

"No thank you.  Have a good day!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Why did everyone hit on Ren? Sure, he was handsome, with deep blue eyes and violet hair. Additionally, he was tall and towered over most people his age.  Ren's personality was serious with a slight sense of humor, and was overprotective of things special to him. He rarely opened up, but when he did, there would be precious moments you wouldn't forget anytime soon.

Flashback- Ren's P.O.V.
I looked down at my precious sister for the tenth time today, making sure she was alright. She just looked up at me with her innocent blue eyes and scrunched her eyebrows together, "What?"

I didn't reply, I just chuckled and squeezed her hand. A lopsided grin found it's way to her face as she giggled. It was the most beautiful sound in the world. "Onii-chan, play with me!"

Lifting her up, I spun her around. At that moment, I realized she wouldn't be so little forever. I was dreading the moment she would grow up, that meant I wouldn't need to protect her anymore. I would never let go, and do anything for the girl in front of me.

Present- Akira's P.O.V.
"Ren, don't you have a girlfriend?" I questioned curiously. He glanced at me with a horrified expression plastered on his face. "How do you even know what that means?" Ren asked, panicking.

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "I'm sixteen, not two. Tch."

"Obviously, but still.  You are not supposed to know that." He replied. "Now let's go eat, I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry you pig." I stuck my tongue out.

Ren smirked. "You're sure you are not talking about yourself?"

"Let's just go eat." I walked to the restaurant, making sure Ren followed, and took a seat while waiting for a waitress.

"I would like to have some Ramen, Oden, Yakitori, Tempura, and a large Green Tea Ice cream!" I exclaimed, right before my tummy started growling. The waitress scanned me as if I had grown ten heads before muttering, "How is she not fat?"


He looked up at me and raised his eyebrows, silently asking me what I wanted. "I have to go to the restroom." I stated. He nodded and then mouthed, be careful. Really? I was only walking ten feet.  I nodded and started to "gracefully" glide to my destination (the ladies room) to do my "stuff".

*After Akira does her "stuff"...*
I was "gracefully" gliding back towards my brother when I heard a man saying something about a Hunter Exam. The man said it was an easy way to get high-payed jobs, escape past crimes, and get rich quick. Hm... this sounded interesting. I widened my eyes and stealthily, like a ninja, walked closer to spy on them.

"Hey, did you hear about the Hunter Exam." one man screeched. "Yea! Isn't it held in Zaban city at the restaraunt __________________?"(forgot restaraunt name and was too lazy to check it)

"Yup! And I think the password is two steak cooked slowly rare?"

"Shh! Someone might overhear us."

*Insert evil laugh*

A lopsided grin found its way to my face as I went over all the benefits over and over again. All we needed to do was to take the exam and pass! I sprinted over to my brother and started grinning even wider like a maniac, if that was even possible.

"Did you pay the bill?" I questioned with the creepy grin plastered onto my face.

"Yes, why?" he replied suspiciously. I glanced from side to side making sure that no one was paying attention to us. No one was, nonetheless, I still grabbed Ren by the arm and lead him to a deserted alley.

"Akira, what happened?" he asked worriedly.

"Have you heard about the Hunter Exam?"

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