❄Ch. 28: Blue is the Saddest Color❄

Start from the beginning

"If I had allowed them to live then they'd only have come after you all... letting them live wasn't an option... I was only trying to protect everyone!" you argued back. "Why can't you understand..." Your fingers dig into the palms of your hands in frustration. You were trying to see his point of view. You really were, but it was Touya's actions that ended up saving the entire family...

"For now you'll stay at the house and you'll be suspended from hero duties until further notice."

"Fine..." you responded in defeat. It was not like you had much of a choice. From this point on they would be watching you like a hawk.


Your steps came to a stop on the stone path. Not too far off in the distance stood the entrance to the Todoroki household. Home. The place where you would be living for the time being at least until your suspension was lifted.

With two heavy bags hanging over your uninjured shoulder along with Nero in your arms, your limbs were starting to grow tired. The feline meowed to be let down to which you happily complied, now free of a little extra burden. You watched as he ran off towards the back where the garden was located.

Keigo stepped beside you, letting the suitcase roll to a stop. "I sure am gonna miss having you around so often (Y/N)," he said. His disappointment was plain to see.

"You act like this is gonna be permanent. Things will be back to normal soon," you responded, trying your best to reassure him.

"Hey anytime away from my girlfriend feels like an eternity to me," he laughed, wrapping his free arm around you, causing you to drop one of your bags to the ground.


Without warning he pulled you in close, embracing you. "Shhh, just let me hold you like this for a while, alright?" Allowing your other bag to fall to the ground, you hugged him back in response, taking in that sweet strawberry scent of his.

After a few minutes, he pulled away from you, placing a gloved hand to the right side of your face. "That's just what I was hoping to see Frosty," he grinned as he looked at the small smile that appeared on that beautiful face of yours.


Sleep would not come. Tossing and turning in your futon, you checked the time on your new phone to see that it was 5:00 a.m. You groaned. At this rate, you would never get to sleep. Adjusting to sleeping in your old room was not as easy as you had initially thought.

Your thoughts were interrupted at the sound of footsteps outside your room. No, not from inside. From outside. A dark shadow moved across the wooden sliding door. You lay frozen in bed, afraid to make any noise. An intruder?

Those fears were soon answered as the door opened slightly, letting some moonlight creep into the room and giving you a glimpse of whoever was sneaking around out there.

You had to place a hand over your mouth to keep from shouting. There was no way. How could he be here of all places? "Touya, what the hell are you doing-"

"Quiet," he whispered, grabbing a hold of your arm. You were relieved to see that he was okay but your worry started to grow at his next words. "C'mon, we don't have a lot of time. I'll explain when we get there." The urgency in his voice brought you to your feet quickly as you turned to face him.

"Alright, let's go then Touya."

Barefoot and in nothing but a blue nightgown, you followed your brother outside and into the cool early morning.


Here you both were yet again. You stared back at the deteriorating building in front of you. The place looked just as sad in the early morning. The abandoned quirk training facility? Why here?

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