• cooking stream - quackhalo •

Start from the beginning

"he only knows this because he's a bottom." dream whispered in his mic and quackity wheezed. "why would you say that..?" george mumbled which his mic barely picked up, acting fake hurt.

dream's tea kettle wheeze could be heard and so could karl's giggles. quackity turned, hearing the beep of the oven which signalled the cake had finished.

"the cake has finished!" quackity told them and chat, putting on some mittens before grabbing the cake and placing it on the counter. everybody had already left the vc so it was just quackity and bad again.

"wait, wait, wait. we should make this a quackhalo cake!" quackity suggested and bad agreed. "do you have food coloring?" bad asked and quackity pointed to one of the drawers in his kitchen.

"okay chat! as i said, we're making a quackhalo cake for all you lovely shippers!" quackity explained, placing red food coloring in one of the plates with frosting and blue in another.

"i'm mixing your color." quackity said and bad held no argument, grabbing the soon-to-be dark blue frosting and mixing it.

once they finished, quackity whined that his arm hurt. "don't be a baby, quackity. you barely mixed that much." bad said, bonking quackity's head softly. "whatever.. lets put the frosting on now!" quackity said and he started putting the red frosting on half of the cake.

bad did the same, applying the dark blue frosting on the other half of the cake. quackity had a brilliant idea, leaving the kitchen without a word and went into his room.

bad was confused, but continued to add his frosting on the cake. quackity came back with a bag of candy in his hand. "it's chocolate, but they look like ducks!" quackity explained and bad's eyes lit up.

"i thought we could make a heart with them since it is a quackhalo cake." quackity told bad, emphasizing the word quackhalo. "that's adorable." bad said with a smile and quackity giggled.

looking at chat, he noticed skeppy was watching his live. "hi skeppy! why don't you join vc?" quackity asked and not a second later he heard the sound of someone joining the call.

"skeppy? oh, hi geppy!" bad greeted the boy and giggled. "hi bad! hi quackity.." skeppy greeted them back, his voice less enthusiastic when saying hi to quackity.

"i guess you already know about the whole quackhalo thing. what d'ya think about it..?" quackity asked the male, knowing full well it triggered him. "it's a walmart version of skephalo." skeppy answered truthfully and bad frowned.

"be nice, skeppy." bad told skeppy who only hummed in acknowledgement. when bad finished put the rest of the frosting on, quackity added the chocolate ducks and formed them into a heart.

quackity clapped his hand in excitement when he finished and bad smiled at the black-haired boy. "alright, chat! now we gotta try it. it can't be that bad considering there may be some hotdog juice in there.." quackity said, remembering when he accidentally dropped hotdogs in the cake batter.

"i don't know how you managed to drop hotdogs in the cake batter." bad said, shaking his head as quackity smiled sheepishly. "how about i try it first?" quackity said as he cut a slice for him and bad who nodded in agreement.

grabbing a spoon, he grabbed a piece of cake and put it in his mouth. chat, bad, and skeppy waited in anticipation. quackity hummed, food still in his mouth. "it doesn't taste bad, try it." quackity said, covering his mouth with his hand as he still had food in his mouth.

"mk." bad mumbled, taking the plate from quackity but setting it down on the table. "huh?" bad heard skeppy say but his main focus was quackity who was also confused as he swallowed the rest of the food in his mouth.

he placed a hand on quackity's waist and one on quackity's cheek, pulling the boy into a kiss. quackity was surprised, but kissed back. quackity smiled into the kiss and bad pulled away, also smiling.

"it does taste good." bad agreed, licking his lips and quackity covered his face which was red as hell. bad looked over at chat who were going crazy, spamming random letters in all caps.

"should've been me there." skeppy huffed, his voice having a joking tone. quackity giggled. "too bad so sad, diamond boy." quackity sneered, pointing the middle finger at the camera for skeppy. bad gently smacked his hand down and quackity smirked.

bad rolled his eyes, bringing quackity into another kiss.


yuh get it ig bad

i unpublished n' deleted the sapnoblade chapter bc technoblade has stated he is uncomfortable w/ shipping :)

anyways, have a lovely day/night/evening and take care <3 ♥️

yours truly,


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