Lights Out!

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<Quick recap. Our main character who's name you don't know yet met Zygrado, an equally confusing person. Halfway through the conversation, others butt in.>

I tried to pull him along. I really did. But I couldn't. He was just rooted there, rolling around something black in his hand. Imagine a car, one of those limos that important people ride in. It was like pulling that with all the people inside. He looked up, finally noticing them running towards us, " I suppose to be running?" I screamed back "YES! THOSE ARE REDBACKS, SOME OF THE WORST PEOPLE HERE! NOW MOVE!" Once again, he just stood there, "hmm...... I think its time them to show that they shouldn't mess with people..."

At that, he flung whatever he had in his hand at the rightmost assailant.
A crack was accompanied with blood when it hit, the collarbone broken easily. Zygrado started a slow run, easily paced toward the middle man. With a growl, the brute threw himself toward Zygrado. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to mind. Zygrado spun his arm around his attacker's, twisting around as he went, and giving a whack to the ankle with his leg as he dropped around. He laughed, "oh come on.... You could at least give me a challenge. I haven't fought in a while." His attacker looked up, or at least tried to, since Zygrado was sitting on his back. The last male looked at him funny, as if this wasn't suppose to happen, and charged. He sighed, "Too straighforward," and accompanied it with a left uppercut straight to the jaw. The man dropped without a sound, eyes gone crosseyed.

I, by this time having gone from running to watching to on me knees, probably had an astonished look on my face, "Wha-.... Ho-.....Wh-..ok, what?" He dusted of his pants and smiled, "Reversal District."
---------------------------------------------- hey guys ^.^ I saw your comments, which actually motivated me to write some more. I didn't expect to have readers, and I didn't have much time... Well, thank you! -Drago

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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