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A/n: I almost had a nose bleed on this pic seriously they .... Look freaking hot but thorn and cyclone.... They're mah baby's god

Lily one of the strongest person in boboiboy's team as she has the same power like boboiboy but with different capabilities people and power Spheres hunters are sometimes capturing her since she is a breed of two

A dragon and a human one of the rare incounters in the galaxy but she never let any one out smart her or even get her captured easily.

But right now the redhead herself got taken by hunters to a black galactic market were they want to sell her as boboiboy her mate and her friends found about this they immediately got out and try to look for her

The cover were on her large cage as she was in her dragon form paralyzed by an hunting arrow on her hips as she lay her head down growling at anyone that dare to come near her

"Well you will be a fine one in my market little dragon" the Hunter said walking inside the room were her cage was place as the black dragon glare and growl at him

You may thought that for her red hair she will be a red dragon but no she is a black chaos dragon with galactic colours in her scale body and gold eyes as she inherited her mother's form .

"Oh don't look at me like that your new owner will be thrilled to see the dragons queen in my hands " the Hunter laugh as he leaves the girl alone in her thoughts as she tried to get up but the Chains in her neck and the arrow still stuck prevent her for doing so

'boboiboy please hurry'......

(At boboiboy and his team)

The said boy was literally angry about this as he's aura scream at bloody murder making the others a bit uncomfortable and back away from him

"Yah boboiboy calm down well find her" a brave soul like Gopal said placing a hand on the Dino cap boy shoulder as the boy look at the map where they are trying to pin point her location

"Yeah well find her just relax a bit" ochobot said clearly not wanting boboiboy to rage out back in TAPOPS


"What my lily has been captured!?" The boy shouted shock to know that his girlfriend was captured "how she's one of the strongest of all off us" Gopal ask their commander

"Well according to the report she was shot by a paralyzing arrow and that she was distract on protecting the power Sphere they were assigned to get " their commander explained to them

As Yaya and Ying were worried about the girl but not worried like boboiboy who been quite and look blankly "commander can you tell us were her last known location?" Fang ask for their sake and for the elemental manipulator sake

Knowing him since growing up he had grew to be protective for the redhead as the two were attached to the hip since meeting her

And the time that they lost a friend... Kero lily's dragon familiar who gave the boy his last words which protect the girl

Know this hunters were testing him alright and he will get lily back in his arms

"Well her last location is near a planet called lionheart were they sell rare items their" commander Coco ki said to them as they look at him "we have to rescue her now" boboiboy said determine to get lily back in his arms


They immediately landed in the planet where their commander saw the last known location of the girl as they look around the market place seeing that they have many items and accessories that are rare

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