Her Love.

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Despite having boyfriends with so much history that would shame her and put her back into hell, she only fell for one.

Now he raised her from her demons and blew away the dust of pain. He is her soul mate and she'll be damned if he was gone.

Zilaphar, her love. No matter the ups and downs they've faced; the accusations, long distance and the ache of needing each other. The beautiful 'aw' moments; late nights talking to each other, skype calling and making jokes, the sweet words, the dirty times, the best of times. The bad was worth it, because the good is so much more.

There have been times when she was to give it all up, her family, her dreams and her love, to end her pain. But then she remembers the promise she's made. To never give up, and not to take her own life. She then remembers how he taught her to never give up and to prove every mothertrucker wrong about her.
He's given more than most boyfriends can ever give their girlfriends and they're halfway across the world from each other.

Whenever she needs him, he's there maybe he can't always reply but he'll help her. He'd give her the world if he could and he'd go to hell and back fighting for her. She'd want him to be safe, always. If she could, she'd keep him safe from his battles and fight for him. Until then, she does her best to help him.

It cannot be spoken of on who he is, not just yet. She shall indulge on his painful story and past in due time. When the people are ready. That time, is not now. Eager as we may be, she cannot indulge any information, though she may say this. He's a hero and one who's been hurt far too many times with little or even no thank yous at times.

She is thankful for everything her love has done for her. She's always scared to lose him and she knows how overwhelming she can be, yet he puts up with her. She considers it a blessing as she knows of her tendency to pushing others away or even pulling too much. She loves you and always will.

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