i. Here Comes The Birthday Boy

Start from the beginning

"Fine, guess I'll just have to get Verenity in here." Corvus shot up. See, Verenity Ackerman is an early riser. Not that that's a problem at all, but the thing is, if someone were about to be late, she would drag out them of bed, quite literally. Or if someone asked her to. But, she isn't as bad as his grandmother, even if she's just a talking painting. Well, more like a screeching one.

With a jolt of panic, Corvus bolted up and ran to the bathroom. He was cursing at Ceil, for waking him up in the first place, and Vincent, who let him in, under his breathe as the two younger, yet taller boys began to erupt into laughter.

As Corvus left the bathroom, he noticed Vincent and Ceil were already dressed. He was slightly taken aback, but then remembered that they were awake before him.

"Where even is the other boys in our dorm, Vincent?" He asked sleepily.

"At breakfast, you idiot!" Vincent threw his arms up, giving him an incredulous look. It took Corvus a minute to realize he was right.

"Oh!" Corvus made a face, but then felt his mouth water slightly at the reminder of his favourite beverage, coffee. Coffee is the best way to start off the day, in his humble opinion. Others would claim that Corvus is addicted to it, but Corvus denies it.

"We'll get coffee when we get there." Ceil said firmly, as if he were reading his mind. "Now, we need hurry up!"

Deciding he wanted to hurry up so he can drink coffee, and not to piss off Verenity more than she probably was, he grabbed Vincent and Ceil's arms and took off in a dash.

"Jesus! You're hurting my arm!" Ceil complained.

"Nip it, Ceil! Coffee's more important." Vincent and Corvus snapped at the same time. Corvus tightened his hold on his friends, much to Ceil's complaint.  They entered the Great Hall, Corvus finally letting go of the two. They both grabbed onto their arm, wincing.

"There you three are!" An annoyed voice approached them. He could hear her stomping.  stomps that could be heard from a mile away. Verenity Ackerman, twin sister to Vincent. She's most notably known for being the trouble-maker and second most protective of the group, possibly right behind Ceil. She's taller then Corvus because apparently his mother was short and his mom just had to curse him by causing him to be short. Her hair was down today, sometimes her chestnut-brown hair was in a ponytail or in a messy bun, but usually she preferred to let her hair down. As she always says 'Having your hair down is more comfortable than having it in a ponytail or bun. It may look cute but unless I'm too lazy to brush my hair or running late, it stays down.'

"You took too long! It's almost time for class!" She paused before hugging Corvus very tightly, making Corvus wince. "Happy birthday, loser."

"Thanks." He thanked, muffled around her shoulder. His arms hanging limply on his sides.

"Can we sit at Ravenclaw? I'd much rather that then Gryffindor or Hufflepuff today, thanks." Ceil interrupted. Corvus couldn't blame him, due to the bias around Potter and Diggory and the lovely debate of Who-Put-Potter's-Name-Into-The-Goblet. Gryffindor's claim it wasn't him, but nearly all the other houses bite back, saying it was him and using the excuse "Who else could it be?" Not many besides Gryffindor house defended him, Violet Potter was the loudest of all the defenders. She is a fellow Hufflepuff in the year below. She tended to hang out with Luna Lovegood, a blonde-haired Ravenclaw in the year below them. Lovegood is always donned a dreamy look on her face and is known for being 'loony', hence the nickname Loony Lovegood.

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