Contest Entry

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My ponytail is bouncing from side to side as I walk into the kitchen. Evan is pouring me a cup of coffee when I enter. I smile as I grab the mug from his hand and kiss his cheek. "How are you this morning?" I ask, taking a delicate sip from the blue mug.

"Tired," he answers, scratching his hairy cheek. "I already packed some boxes in the car. What else do you still need to pack?"

"The attic." I say, putting my mug down so I can wrap my arms around Evan's torso. Evan has already moved his stuff into our new place and now it's my turn. It's not like I've been dreading moving; I've just been a tad lazy. I mean, we just got back from our honeymoon a few days ago and I just want to enjoy Evan at the moment.

Evan smiles down at me before kissing the tip of my nose. "Once you finish with the attic we can finally tell your mom she can have the place."

My mom has been pining for my house ever since I told her Evan and I found a house together. "I know," I mumble before lifting up on my tiptoes and kissing Evan on the lips. His beard tickles my chin, but at this point I'm totally team beard. His beard is sexy and it adds to his hotness.

I nip on his bottom lip and Evan deepens the kiss. He backs us up until my butt bumps into the counter. Tugging on his shirt, I pull him down a little so I can feel him closer to me. We are for sure still in the honeymoon phrase. Eventually Evan pulls away. "Pack the attic and you can have me all to yourself."

Narrowing my eyes, I purse my lips together. "You drive a hot bargain," I say before reluctantly going to the door that leads to the attic.


Dust surrounds me and causes me to sneeze my brains out yet again. I groan and pick up the vintage looking box. The box is light in my hands. I walk to an old chair by the window and slowly sit down, hoping it doesn't crash under my weight. The chair groans from age, but thankfully doesn't break.

Opening the small box, I immediately see Grandmother's handwriting. The letter seems so fragile in between my fingers. It is addressed to my late grandfather and the paper crinkles as I unfold it.


I am hoping you are doing alright. It has been a full week since you have left and I feel like a piece of my heart you took with you overseas. All I wish is for you to come back home to me Vincent. Every night I worry about you and pray for your safety. I love you so much and my momma is already planning the wedding. She almost ripped my finger off when I showed her the ring. Momma is happy though, so is daddy. Whatever you do, be careful.

I love you, Katherine

A single tear fell and stains the paper. My hand quickly shoots up and wipes away the remaining tears. I always knew my grandparents had an amazing marriage and I feel like I hold their history in my hands. As I place the letter back in the box I feel like I was meant to find these letters. The letters were written during a time when Grandma was about to get married and now that I am, I cannot help but think Grandma wanted me to find these.

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