This Forsaken World Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

"Understood. Are the other's okay?" He shifted his stance, scanning our surroundings with piercing eyes.

"She said they were unconscious, I didn't get a location though. They could be anywhere in here. Although, she didn't have a lot of time so they can't be far. Thanks for firing up the car by the way, the distraction saved my life. Where did you find gas anyways?" I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Believe it or not, there was a tank in the trunk. Not sure what that was all about, kind of weird to put some there but there was survival rations as well. I think someone had the same idea as us, they were prepping this car for an evacuation." Well that was a bit of good news for a change.

"Let's hope we find the others before they return. Let's spread out to cover more ground, meet back here in ten with or without the rest of the group. I'll take the aviation wing, you head for the locomotive exhibit." Hank didn't even question the orders, which was interesting since he outranked me.

Moving with a purpose, I began to search every door or corridor that I passed. It was slow going and I was about to give up as the timer ticked down when I stumbled across the survivors. The group had been restrained with para-cord and they lay in a heap inside the woman's bathroom.

Grinning at the looks I received, the rest of my group wide awake and alert, I withdrew my dagger and proceeded to free them.

Commander Devin Crowe

Leaving a trail of blood in my wake, I used the wall for support and made my way to the hangar bay and what I hoped was salvation. The gunshots were picking up in intensity and I hoped no one was dying on my account. What point was a rescue operation for one person if more died in the process?

A black clad alien turned towards me as I advanced and dropped his rifle, rushing me and attempting to throw a punch. Despite all of my ailments, my survival instincts took over as well as adrenaline. Ducking to my left, I predicted a follow through as the man lost his balance and I shoved him hard into the wall.

Before my opponent could recover, I slid across the floor to go for his discarded rifle and scooped the strange looking weapon up. My body was screaming in protest at the sudden movements and I knew I would no longer be able to stand up under my own power. Luckily, I had the upper hand with the enemies weapon and I took full advantage of it.

Swinging the weapon up to my shoulder, I squeezed the lever and what looked like tranquiler darts shot out of the double barrels, spearing the man in the groin and chest. The alien took two steps before he went down, landing on his face.

Turning the rifle over in my hands, I whistled softly. So the gun's were designed to disable instead of kill. They must use it to capture other species for food or slave labor.

I cursed as I tried to stand and felt no strength. I knew I was severely dehydrated, I hadn't had anything to drink in some time. Food, pain, the drugs after effects and severe fatigue all worked to keep me down and no matter how hard I tried to rise, my body refused to cooperate.

Glancing down the hallway towards the hangar, I swallowed my dry throat and attempted to call out.

"In here!" I shouted, my voice hoarse and broken up.

Tossing the weapon aside, I used my hands to start dragging myself towards the gunshots. It was slow going and pitifully embarrassing, but I was determined. The gunshots were beginning to lessen and I swore loudly.

"Alliance, I'm in here!" I yelled, attempted to rise once more with a push-up. My shoulders quivered from fatigue and I bit my lip, grunting with the effort before I was rewarded with regaining my footing.

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