"Hey Ponyboy, back so soon? And where's that pretty little lady you were with?" she asked.

"Hi Ruby, I'll be over in just a second alright," I told her.

I raced over to where the Johnny Cash record was and picked it up. Then I went over to the cash desk where Ruby was now behind. I took change out of my pocket and Realised that I only had $1.30... Shit.

But then it came to me.

"Hey Ruby, I don't have much money. Only a dollar, but if I give you this then you don't have to pay me tomorrow... Whadda ya say?" I pleaded.

"Nah sugar don't be doing that," she put the recors in a bag "It's a gift from me to you," she smiled and handed it out to me.

"Oh really? Thanks!" I said. I went being the desk and gave the woman a hug.

Then I ran out of the store and down to the direction of the DX.

About halfway there I saw y/n talking to some guy. I decided to scare her so I creeped up behind her and "Boo,"

She turned around, completely unfazed. "Ah," she says sarcasticly.

Then I realised the who the guy was.

"Dally gettin' you to spy on us, Shepard?" I asked with my arm around y/n's waist protectively.

Tim lights up a weed before explaining. "Yeah... Y'all weren't supposed to see me though. Dally promised that drinks would be on him later if I did it. I won't bother y'all no more," he walked away down an alley.

"Alright then, let's go," she said. She grabbed my hand and took off down the road.

Your P.O.V

We got to the DX and Soda was standing at a pump filling some socs car.

"Hey y'all, Steve is inside so be prepared for some tormenting," he smiled.

We walked in the store and sure enough, Steve was behind the counter.

"Wow, so romantic. I wish I'd thought of bringing Evie to a gas station on our first date," he snickered and rolled his eyes.

I could see that Ponyboy was going to say a quick comeback but before he could, Soda called from outside.

"Steve you did bring her to a gas station... I was working that day," he laughed.

"Oh Shut it Cola-can," Steve said and sat down on the stool behind the counter.

We went to the fridges and picked up 2 packaged sandwiches (I know that they weren't a thing back then but let's pretend for the fic, ok?). We then bought 2 cans of coke and some chocolate before paying.

"1 dollar," Steve said.

Ponyboy pulled out a dollar and handed it to Steve before taking my hand and leaving.

"Have fun, but not too much fun," Soda said to us before we left.

We walked with our fingers interlaced. Ponyboy offered to hold the shopping and the bag full of my records. I noticed he had another bag from Ruby's but I didn't ask about it.

Instead I asked him if he'd like to tell me where we're going but he just said "Just be patient, we're almost there,".

We walked for another five minutes until we came to a cul-de-sac

"This way, c'mon," Ponyboy boy said and pulled us through an alley between two of the houses.

Infront of us was big hill it had a bunch of trees on top. An idea came to me.

"Race ya," I said. I took my hand from his and darted up the hill.

Ponyboy ran after me but tripped on a rock and stumbled. I laughed at him from the top of the hill.

The first time I actually looked at the view was when he got to the top.

You could see the whole of Tulsa, from the school, to the drive in and even the Dingo.

"Woah... Feels like you can see the whole world from up here," I said and stared at this beautiful sight.

"Yeah it's alright, but the real magic will happen in just under five minutes," he said.

I turned to look at him and he is was staring at me. My face warmed and I bit my lip. He looked down and rustled in the DX bag.

"Shall we dine on sanwhiches m'lady," he bowed and handed the pack of sanwhiches out.

"We shall," I took them and courtsied. Then we both bent over laughing.

We sat down against a tree and started eating. Ponyboy grabbed the second Ruby's bag and reached into it. He took out the Johnny Cash record that I was looking at in the store and handed it to me.

"I went back for you," he said. I took it and my eyes widend.

"Really! Wow thank you so much Ponyboy!" I smothered him in a hug.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I put my head in the crook of his neck. He smelled nice,  like the shirt he gave me.

When we pulled away I sat right beside him. We popped open our sodas.

"Hey y/n, I have a question," Ponyboy said.

"Yeah go on," he took a swig of coke before looking at me.

"In the hospital you said that they lured you into the library. You didn't tell us how but I promise if you tell me that I won't say anything," he crossed his heart.

I giggled and took a deep breath.
"I will tell you. But if I do then you have to answer one of my questions honestly," I warned.

He nodded and held out his pinky finger. I wrapped my pinky around his.

"Haha so they left a note for me... In your handwriting... It told me to meet you in the library,"

"Oh... How did they know about us?
How did they get my handwriting?" he said.

"Woah, calm down solider. The answer to the second question is that I don't know... Some cheerleader forged it,"I say.

"And your first question brings me to mine... How did you get the note where I put both of our names together," I asked.

He laughed. "Oh that, yeah Dally gave it to me,"

"I am going to kill Dally," I laughed with him.

Then he looked up. "I thought it was cute... You might wanna wait a while before killing him y/n, look,"he points.

I look up and see the sky illuminate in orange and gold-like flames.

"Wow Ponyboy this is amazing... This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," I smiled.

"Well you don't look in the mirror much do you," he chuckled.

"Wha-" I started but before I could finish I was interrupted by Ponyboy smashing his lips against mine.

I immediately kissed back and tangled my hands in his greasy hair. He grabbed the back of my neck and we only pulled away once we needed air. My face was as hot as a car engine and Ponyboys was ember red.

"Y/n... Do you wanna be my girl?" he asks smiling.

"Yes, of course I do!" I exclaimed.

"uhh great," he said.

We spent the rest of the evening watching the sunset. Ponyboy even tried to do the yawn-stretch move on me to which I laughed and said "Smooth, very smooth" and snuggled into him.

This is probably my favourite chapter so far. Ahhh the fluffiness! I based Ruby's character after Proffesor Trelawny but with a southern accent. Stay Gold

Kid Cousin - Ponyboy Curtis X !Winston ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora