Chapter Forty Five

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Pez... you're adorable but you talk some crap." I grinned, turning my head to look at her. "I know you wouldn't, you daft sod."


"This is lovely by the way."

"Yeah, not bad if I say so myself. Do you wanna watch a film in bed after or something?"

"Yeah, okay. I'm gonna ring Lauren first though, don't want her to think I've forgotten her."

"See if she'll come round tomorrow if you want."


"Why not? We're not doing anything else."

"Okay, great. Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Nah, not at all. She's awesome, I like her... even though she's crackers."

"Truth. Anyway, what did you want to tell me?"

"Erm... hang on..." Perrie paused. Lifting her head as if listening. I waited as she hummed along to the Beyonce track floating through the room. "Two more songs."

"I don't get it."

"While you were out today... I recorded something in the music room. I wrote it ages ago and I was thinking about running it past the girls, maybe it could be thrown as an added extra on the tour... but only if you like it."

"But why do you need my approval?"

"Do you remember the night I first told you I loved you?"

"I try to block most of it out... but yes." I said, kissing her hand. "Of course I remember."

"Well, I wrote the song that night... after you left." She said, her tone apologetic. "I went back to it today and... well, we'll see what you think."

"You better not make me cry." I warned.

"I hope not! No, it's not like that, it's not sad. And depending on what you think depends on whether I need to ask you something else."

"You're confusing me so much, can you just put it straight on?"

"Nah, I'll get cold if I get out now." She giggled, kissing my shoulder. "It's the song after the next anyway."

"Fine... keeping me waiting again."

"I know how we can pass the time." Perrie said.

She turned my head and placed her lips on mine, sliding her tongue straight in and tightening her arms around my shoulders. I raised my hand, caressing her face while stroking her thigh up and down.

Perrie's hands began to wander, and I let out an accidental low moan into her mouth, seconds before she pulled away.

"It's coming on now."


Perrie just winked, kissing my nose. "The night's still young babe. There's no music with it yet and it's just me. So-"

"So shush, I don't wanna miss any." I said.

Perrie nodded and we waited. A couple of seconds passed before an intake of breath came through the speakers, followed by Perrie's voice, deep and smooth.

"When you think, when you think, when you think you're alo-o-one
I'll be-be-be like a ghost behind you
When you're down, when you're down
When you're down and you can't find the things to say
You know I'll give my words to you-you
When the sea, when the seasons change
And the sun shines on-on your face
Yeah, I-I-I'll be there with you, you, you, you, you
You're a part, you're a part of me now
Ju-ju-ju-just as mu-mu-much as I'm a part of you

Nothing Else Matters - Perrie EdwardsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ