A Request Declined

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Percy Pov

As I headed towards Olympus, Thoughts which you can probably think of were racing in my mind.

I had got a request in my mind though.


What I did not know was that others were looking upon me and had decided to flash me up.

The Olympian council looked sad and were gazing upon me with pity, even ... Zeus?

He told me, 'We saw what happened and will not give you your wish.Rather we wish to make you a god.No buts, nephew!'

Without any time to process what was happening all the Council chanted in an ancient language and I felt my blood burning out of my veins and being replaced with ichor.It hurt like HELL!

I heard some parts of what they were saying and got scared.

Let your mortal essence be left behind!

Let ichor flow through you veins!

Let your soul become that that of an immortal god!

We call upon Chaos to bless you through!


I was curious about the Chaos part and was about to question it when I felt pain much worse.I let out a blood-curling scream and clawed at my throat.

In an instant, it was gone.

Then the fates started chanting and a deep and ancient voice with them.

We call upon you, the fifteenth Olympian(Hades and Hestia have thrones).

Hail, Perseus Jackson God of Loyalty,Respect,Swordmanship,Time,The Earth,The North,The Tides,The Hunt,Warfare,Heroes,Love,Oaths,Justice,Assasins,Life and Gods!Guardian of the Hunt!Apprentic of Wisdom!

The voice from the Helix then dissapeared and Artemis screeched, 'He is a male.He will only flirt with the huntresses!'

Me, feeling offended took an oath.' I Perseus Jackson, swear on the River Styx and Chaos to protect the hunters with my life, to not touch them without permission and to not flirt with them!'

Poseidon started,'Son , you shouldn't have sworn on-'

'My name?' questioned the voice from the Helix.

'Wait your'e Chaos?!'

'Yes indeed.You were blessed in your domains by the fates and me ourselves.Now you go further and swear on my name.However, you are an interesting Hero and I have decided to give you my full blessing now that you are a god.'

A ball came from the helix and I felt like I was in the Styx, only a million times worse.

-Note the sarcasm.

He said in his deep and ancient voice,'Good Luck.'

And then, everybody turned to a rumbling sound as a throne.It was magnificent, with a tsunami as the one middle leg of the chair.The seat itself was covered with animal skins and had a Phoenix towering over at the top, wings spread open.A wolf and lion were handrests, and the bottom was shapes liked a pagasus.Through the throat of the eagle was a replica of Riptide.Scenes of warfare were inscripted on the 

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