"29 isn't old" a voice announced.

"Oh hey Ms Grant, y/ns just being lame" Kara stuck her tongue out childishly as you peer over the mountain of gifts, cards and balloons to see Ms Grant with a large smile on her face watching you leap up from your chair to see her better.

"I am not lame." You huffed swatting away at the cards covering your desk and laptop with a face full of disgust.

"Prove it, come to your party later" Kara grinned knowing she was winning her own argument. 

You sighed loudly "Fine!" You gave in, having her go on all morning was tiring, you already knew if you didn't agree she would physically drag you there.

Kara pumps her fist up in the air victorious but clears her throat when noticing Cats lingering presence. She watches in amusement at your early morning sibling moment. "Ms Grant you're welcome too" you can't help but notice the mischievous grin that makes its way up to her lips.

Cat doesn't say anything almost like she's caught off guard by Kara suggestion but nods before turning around and walking back to her desk whilst hiding the blush creeping up on her face. 

You watched her continue to walk back to her desk but Kara chuckles at the fallen silence "why did you do that?" You whispered yelled.

Kara shrugs like it was nothing but her expression expressed that she had some wicked plan behind her invitation. "Hey come on it will be fun"

You shook your head to disagree but it didn't help that there was a smile lingering on your face at the thought of having a causal conversation with the woman who's all work. "So James is coming?" You asked changing the conversation before she could ask anymore questions.

"Well yeah... oh no what do you know?" she stumbles over her words but looks at your grin and begins to panic.

"That awkward smile when he walked out, so spill"

"Fine I kissed him" she reveals causing you to cough, choking on your own spit.

You took a second to slow your breathing. "You what?!" You yelled slightly louder than you would have liked but you couldn't believe her.

"You look surprised" she stated.

"Not surprised just Ew" you chuckle as she frowns at the word ew.

"James isn't bad" she crossed her arms defencely. 

You shook your head. You had nothing personal with the man but you didn't see him as the right fit for your sister.. well any man for that point. "No I meant ew because you still think you're straight" you chuckled sitting back down on your desk and swatting the balloons from your view.

"I am straight!" She yelled turning the attention of a couple of on lookers. She smiles apologetically before glaring at you like it was your fault of her sudden outburst.

"No need to be so defensive" you chuckled watching the others return to their work. "Anyway Lena is here" you nodded your head gesturing behind her to where she swings her head round eagerly.

"She is, where?" She barks out quickly scanning the room for the certain brunette in the direction you were looking.

She frowns when you let out a small snigger under your breath at her desperation to find her through the crowd of her coworkers. "So straight" you stated looking down to the work set on your desk.

"I hate you" she called over her shoulder as she stomped off.

"I love you too" you shouted after her.

Supergirl's brother. A cat grant x male reader fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now