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Hi, I'm Rashuad and I live in Chicago, Illinois. This is my story on how I went from an A+ student and athlete to one of the most realest street niggas you've ever seen.

It started when I was 13. I was in school and I was an A+ student all my years in school. I was in 9th grade but on a 12th grade level. Yea I was extremely smart but that didn't stop me from doing what i did on the streets. You might also be saying "13 in 9th grade?" yep i was skipped directly from 7th to 9th i had a lot of potential. I also played football, basketball, and track all my life. I loved sports. So let me get into my home life. At home I have gone through mental, physical, and verbal abuse, but that didn't stop me from being me. I loved violence which is what turned me from an A+ student to a thug real quick. Growing up in chicago was hard but hey we all see and do things. My family was very poor. We went through poverty. I don't know my dad or what happened to him, my mom is a drug fiend, and my grandparents are gone. I don't have contact with other parts of my family mainly because my mom doesn't have a good bond with them. But I have my niggas Shawn and Greg. We stand together through everything we don't let anyone fuck with us. We stick to our code. Our code is if one eats all eats, brothers first, and don't turn your back. We had a partna that was with us but he passed due to gun violence. He was linked into a gang with his big brother named Rodrick who is currently serving 26 years for a double murder. Our partna was named Jawaun every year on August 12th we go to his memorial and mourn him. He was innocent to the situation because it was a drug deal gone wrong. Jawaun was dropping off a package to a rival gang, and there is a guy named Lorenzo who was the leader of that gang. They jacked Jay and took the package he started fighting back, he was beating their ass then boom! They shot him and left him to die in the street. Since then we have been on our shit making it for Jay. #LLJ. Me and my niggas got money and we keep money. So after that incident 2 weeks passed, and me and Greg came across a lil easy lick. We waited for the person to go to work and boom at 11:20 they were gone, so we moved in.

So when we got in the house, we started searching. We found 2 glock 18's full auto with smg body attachments, m1911, and an ar15.

We came up on a jackpot, not to mention this was a 3 story house. So we head upstairs and this is where our dreams came to reality, we were rich! We found 750,000 dollars under the bed and a small safe in a drawer. All of a sudden we heard noises. The front door had opened and we hid with guns at hand ready for anything. The man walked to the 3rd floor. I guess he was trying to grab something, so we snuck out and to our surprise the car had the key in it. We just came up on some guns, jewelry, money, and a car. He luckily had no cameras so no one knows we did it. We Hid the car out at a trap house we had on the other side of the city. Then we went to another trap house, counted the money, sold the jewelry, bought drugs to sell, and eventually sold the stolen vehicle under false names. So Me, Shawn, and Greg are living our best lives, but in the shadows. We also had methods so we were scammers, they were custom methods made by yours truly. My momma knows everything I do, she told me just be careful and don't get caught. Been doing this since age 9 and still havent got caught and I have at least 3 million in my bank account. My momma lives in a nice house taking care of my little sister and brother. While me and my boys live alone in a trap house where we handle all of our business. We used to live here with my big brother, but he passed away last year also due to gun violence. His gang and another gang got into a shootout and my brother was hit in the head 6 times and went to the hospital where he later died. I miss him alot. We have his r.i.p shirt hanging on the wall in a casing above the tv. The trap looks more like a normal house, but inside there are just drugs, money, and guns. Everyone on my block is cool with each other, so there's no beef. So once again, it's mission time this time shawn is tagging along. Shawn and Greg will be the watch out, while I go in and get the things we are getting. It's a nice little 2 story beach house. So this is the part of the story where it all went wrong, and I fucked up my life. So I get inside and hit a silent alarm so of course I don't hear it, then I get a phone call from shawn. He told me that there are 4 police cars surrounding the house aiming guns. "Fuck" I said. So I step out and inform them not to shoot, and let them know that I am unarmed. So I got booked for 10 months in the Illinois department of juvenile justice. All my grades went down, I missed 10th grade, I missed christmas, I missed a birthday, and I missed a death. My little sister passed away, she was shot and killed during a home invasion. So I got out with revenge on my mind. I went to my momma house and she showed me security footage, when I saw the footage I cried. The thing that hurt me the most is because I know who the killer is.


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