Day of a Deacon and Hondo fanfic

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Deacon's pov
Deacon loved waking up to days like this. His day of, which also happened to be his husband day of to. The kids were sleeping the three kids they had adopted three years ago was The twins Laura and Molly the were now fifteen and there son Alex that were now sixteen. The always sleep late. He looked at his sleeping husband and smiled, as he untangle himself from the other man he pleased a kiss on his forehead as he slipped out of the bed. He went to the closet and pulled about a pair of grey sweats and a black T-shirt. He walked out to the kitchen and looked at the microwave that showed that the clock was 10:45 am. He made sure to be careful and not make to much noise as he started making breakfast for them. Right before he was finished with making pancakes to dark arms slipped around his waist and his husband head rest on his shoulder. He asked "How longe have you been up?" Deacon turned his head a little and answered "45 minutes, can you go and wake up the kids?" Hondo nods and let go of the other man and walk to wards the hallway, but not before he gets a kiss. Deacon chuckled before putting the enormous plate of pancakes in the middle of the table and all the toppings.

Hondo's pov
Hondo wakes up to an empty bed. He turns around and just listed too the sounds in the house he can here all the kids sleeping music and that there is someone in the kitchen. He smiles to him self as he pulls on some clothes and walks in to the kitchen. His husband is standing whit his back to him. He takes this opportunity to slip his arms around his waist and rest his head on the other mans shoulder. The have a small conversation witch ends up with him having to wake the kids. He let go of Deacon and kiss him fast before entering the hallway with all the bedrooms. He walks to Alex first because he is hardest to wake and often have to be wake twice, today is no different. How ever Molly and Laura are already up when he knock on their doors and say "Breakfast".
After breakfast they cleaned up and went and did different things.

At the end of the day Hondo and Deacon was cuddling on the sofa will watching a movie, when they were joined by all three kids. Deacon lines in and says to Hondo "This is way I love days of" Hondo smiles and kiss his cheek and says "me too".

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