Tough Day

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It was a bad day, the case they had helped on was a bad one. When we rolled up the shooting started. Bluets, casualties, and my baby. He was shot in the the in the chest just above the vest. The rushed him to the hospital. Here we are know, just waiting to get some new about Deacon. The hole David squad are her now.
My hands are shaking, it has been hours. But my baby's blood is still on my hands, there I begged him to hold on, for me, for the team and the family we were gone start together. I had to control my breathing, one shaking breath after an other. I had to hold myself together for him, when he pulls through. I don't care that we still haven't come out to the team, we were gone discuss it tonight, when we got home. But here we are waiting for someone to tell us something about my baby, my man.
I wake over to the bathroom to was my hands of his blood, the red blood that are stuck on my hands. I turn on the sink and the water rushes out of the spring like it only gets this one chance of getting out. I put my hands under the tap and the cold water turn a light shade of red as it hit's the bottom of the white sink. The minutes pass by so slow, is this how the wait for someone is, is it usually this hard to wait on news about someone you love. My hands are clean, but I don't take them away, I can't, not jet. The knots in my stomach are tightens as I turn of the tap.
I walk out and settled on a seat between Chris and Tan. Nobody speaks, it's a tension that files the air as the blue slide doors open and a man in blue scrubs wake out and asked for family of David Kay. We all rise in union and get the good news we can see him now.
As we enter the room he smiles, and I can't hold myself together any more, I let the first tear slip down my cheek. I don't care. I don't know if the tears is from fear, happiness or dread. He is the only one that can se the tears. I walk slow over to the edge of the bed. He lifts himself up in a sitting position and takes his hand and wipe the tears away. "Don't cry, I am here with you still Dominic." Right now nether of them care that the team is in the doorway to the room as Deacon leans in and Luca close the gap between there lips in a sweet and tender kiss. When they pull apart Deacon whispered " I love you" and Luca answered "I love you too". Clapping and cheers are coming from the doorway. Maybe today wasn't that bad after all.

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