"Did you think it was scary?" Joey questioned Rakim.

Rakim shook his head, rubbing his hand down his face.

"Hell no, son. I'm a jiggy nigga, we don't get scared." Rakim stated. He pointed a finger at the now empty ride. "But we ain't getting on this damn ride no more." He finished. I laughed. "Hmm, so much for being a kiddie ride, right?" I stated as Leah and I highfived each other. Joey rolled his eyes before placing an arm around my shoulder. We left the docking center and headed back in the midst of people walking around the carnival.

"I'm hungry." I spoke.

Joey shot me a look.

"What?" I questioned though I already knew why he said that. He specifically told me this morning to eat breakfast and I didn't. He warned me that we probably weren't going to be eating until later and as I always did, I shooed him away. Now, after only two or so hours of being here, I was hungry.

"You got food money?" Rakim stated back at me.

I kicked his shin from in front of me and Rakim made it his duty to make a big scene of clutching the abused area and letting an array of curse words fly out of his mouth. The mother's with their children with them covered their ears as they sent disapproving looks in our direction. "Why do you always have to be so violent?" Rakim questioned. I sucked my teeth. "Why you always gotta be in my damn business?" I questioned back at him. "Are you hungry, Leah?" I asked. Leah shrugged. Leah never really got hungry. She had to force herself to eat at times just for the sense of comfort. I knew she didn't care if we ate now, or seven hours from now.

"Let's see if we can find a nice burger joint or some shit in here. I'm not getting out of here." Joey answered.

I nodded.

"Damn right we ain't. I paid good fucking money for parking and tickets and allat shit." Rakim answered back. I rolled my eyes. Rakim had offered to pay for all of us yesterday when we had originally started making the plan. It wasn't until he got here that realized how pricey it would be. All together, for the four of us, it was about one hundred and fifty dollars. Ever since then, Rakim wouldn't stop reminding us how he paid for us. I think Joey and I could have gladly paid for ourselves first of all.

But I didn't say anything for I knew Rakim was just being his original self.

The four of us began walking as we looked for a decent place to sit down and eat. Because I had been the one to suggest we eat in the first place, I wasn't going to be picky. If anything, I hope that wherever we chose had fries or chicken tenders. I doubt that anything could go wrong with that.

Thankfully, we found a Chick-Fil-A not too far from the ride we just left.

Joey took all of our orders and headed towards the counter to order them. Rakim tagged along because he didn't want to be left with a bunch of girls. Leah and I both laughed it off anyway. We would be doing our gossip.

"So you and Joey, huh?" Leah questioned.

I smiled lightly.

"I mean before, we all kind of knew you guys were an item, but you guys never really kissed or had cute little pet names around us. Now, it's like...damn." Leah stated. Leah was the type of girl to go all 'goo goo ga ga' over a new relationship. It was no surprise that she was acting like this now. I mean, I had told her that I liked Joey in the very beginning. It shouldn't be a surprise that we're an item, if that's what we even are.

"I mean, he never flat out asked me out. But we both know what's good." I answered truthfully.

"Ya'll had sex yet?" Leah asked, quirking her eyebrows at me.

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