Test Of Courage

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(Y/n) POV

The Wild Wild Pussycats decided that we the class 1A and 1B have a courage test. 1B is going to be scaring 1A. We were group by 2. I ended up with Izuku which is not bad we are the last one to go in. "YA MAGIC GIRL BE MY PARTNER!" Bakugo said. "Hmm nah I'm fine with Izuku." I said. He got mad while I just ignored it. "Wonder what 1B has prepared." Izuku said. "Hmm bet it won't be that bad." I replied and which he nodded. The others soon entered then we could sense fire in the forest. "What the-" I said then 2 people came out. "We are the League of Villains" the reptile person said. Soon then Izuku went out running saying he has to save Kota. "There she is." the guy looking like a girl said. They then came for me before Mandalay could stop them I held them with my chains. "I don't think so." I said with a dark voice. As how much my chains are strong they manage to break free. "So they came prepared." I thought. "Stand back we handle this." Mandalay said. I obeyed her even I would never take down a fight but I wasn't in the mood. 

Soon they figured it wasn't only me they were looking for. It was either me or Bakugo. Hmm why him though. Soon we were allowed to use our power as self defense. I simply just went with Izuku to help him. "Izuku you look for the others while I got look for some that needs help." I said. "(Y/n) are you sure your one of the target." Izuku said worried. "It's fine after all it takes more than that to take me down." I said. I then went on to look for others. I then spotted Uraraka and Tsu getting attack by a psycho. I shoot out a blade enough for her to be pinned in the tree. "Tsu, Uraraka are you ok?" I asked them. "Yes thank you." they said. "Ooo as much as I want to have fun with you guys your the target that is powerful I don't wanna die now." she said disappearing. "Well at least she has a brain." I muttered. We soon then met up with Izuku, Shoji, Tokoyami, Bakugo and Shoto. "(Y/n) thank god your safe." Izuku said. "Yep." I replied. "We have to keep you safe with Bakugo." Izuku said. "Hmm ok." I said and got in the middle.  As we were walking I then sense someone near. I quickly turned around shooting a blade at it. I was correct there was a sneaky villain and he got Bakugo and Tokoyami. This got everyone's attention. "Well you really are clever." he said. "How are we going to keep up with him?" Izuku said. "Guys who's coming?" I asked. "Me." Izuku Shoto and Shoji said. "Ok Uraraka and Tsu you guys report to others quickly." I said and they nodded and left. "I know a spell the can make you fly." I said. I began the spell at them and they started to fly. "Go on before me." I said and they nodded. I found them in the middle of the forest. Just as they were about to get hit by a blue fire. I was there to block it with my own fire. "Hmm black fire ey that's new." the guy with many scares said. "Where are they?" I asked. "Here." Shoji said. "No that's not them." I said. They looked at me confuse before looking at the villains. "Clever you really are here they are." the masked man said. I sent out many attacks towards the villain. He let go of the marbles. Soon Bakugo and Tokoyami got out. He was about to get Bakugo again. Until I pushed him and taking his place and everything went dark.

Todoroki's POV
"Jackpot!" I heard a villain said. I turned to look around but I found out (Y/n) was gone. "Where's (Y/n)!" I said. Then I saw a blue marble that might be her. As I aim for her the villain was faster than me. "That's sad Shoto Todoroki." the scarred villain said. Then they were gone. Everyone was shocked despite all of us being saved most of the time by her but we couldn't do it to her. Despite me being trained by her. 

Bakugo's POV

I can't believe it she got captured. I was mad at myself. 1 for letting her take my place. Then 2 for not being able to save her. After want she done for us. After what she done for me. Despite me being trained by her. 

TIME FOR A CHANGE (Todoroki Shoto x Reader x Bakugo Katsuki)Where stories live. Discover now