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N / A: Even though I have posted fics on other platforms, this is my first time doing it here. It should be said that despite the fact that I'm not narrow-minded, I find Angela and Genji very tender and I love writing about them. The cover and chapter drawing are mine, as well as any artwork I use in possible future publications. I hope you like it.

The English translation was made possible thanks to my amazing gf. She did a wonderful job, thank you! Her professional twitter account is > @NSCTradu

Disclaimer: Overwatch and all its characters belong to Blizzard.


Even though many years had passed, she still had dreams about that moment. Nightmares. She closed her eyes and as soon as she did so, she saw him. And she was afraid, for she believed that it would be one more life that would die at her hands.

It was nighttime. She was working in a field hospital set up by the organization she worked for to save the lives of those in need. For some time now there had been clan warfare, black market movements, and a lot of smuggling and illegal trade, which led to more than one fight that evolved into something more serious. And her job was to precisely save those lives that someone suddenly considered not indispensable.

Although it was mostly in dreams when she relived the scene, the doctor was also occasionally tormented when she was awake. She closed her eyes and everything around her transformed. Shouts. Orders. And blood. Blood everywhere. Her whole being shuddered even though she didn't know the victim at all. But it was her duty to save him. Because what hurt her most in the world was not being able to do anything and seeing another life fade away under her hands.

She was lost among documents, medical records, and several empty coffee cups scattered on the table when she received the call. The phone rang a couple of times until she picked it up.

"Dr. Ziegler. Is something wr-?"

"It's an emergency, doctor! Prepare operating theatre two, we are airlifting by helicopter a young man who was stabbed at least twenty times!"

"Right now!"

She dropped the chair as she got up from it, mobilized her trustworthy team, and within minutes everything was ready to receive the patient. She moved to the door leading to the area designated for the helipad. The sound emitted by the engines broke the silence, and soon, the wind caused by these engines violently tousled the young woman's blonde hair. The vanes were still in motion when the emergency team got out of the vehicle, carrying a stretcher with a body which already showed the gravity of the situation, despite the distance. If she had to describe the scene in a single word, she would answer without hesitation: Bloody. They moved quickly and as they brought him into the facility, the doctor was able to make a quick assessment. The injured man, who at first glance appeared to be younger than she was, was bleeding from a myriad of open cuts. Whoever tried to kill him had attempted to do so ruthlessly. They ran through the corridors and two bags of blood waved next to the stretcher. O-neg was marked in large letters, but the sustenance was of little use, for as soon as the crimson liquid flowed into him, it flowed out with nothing to stop it.

"Hurry. He will bleed to death if we don't hurry."

The blonde urged, overwhelmed, as the metal doors closed behind them and what would become a fight to save the young man's life against the clock began. Her voice rose above the others giving quick and concise orders. Asking for the necessary instruments, calling the blood bank unit to be given as many bags as possible, and connecting life-support devices here and there to the body that was increasingly slipping out of their hands.

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