Seasons of Magic: Winter's Claim

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Hellur :) Blake here. This my first story on wattpad, hope you like it. More chapters to come, Comment with ideas and commenty things, fan, and vote!!! :) also check out out MichelAllynBloch she is enjoyable.


When I was little, I got into an accident while skiing. Not being the most coordinated eight year old in the world, dismounting the lift was a huge challenge. The first time I managed to get off without immediately eating snow, I slid under the guard rail and off the other side of the mountain. I screamed bloody murder, rolling over my skis, the whole way down. Now if I had been in some cheesy old cartoon a giant snow ball would have begun to form. I struck my head on a large rock. Thinking back, I'm realizing how lucky that was. I was rolling down a steep slope, somehow managing to avoid trees, stumps, and other assorted obstacles and escaped with a small gash on the head. Then finally, bleeding skull, broken skis, and all I came to a stop in a little snow covered valley. I had to be a good two miles from the top on the mountain.

God, was my head throbbing. I laid there on my back, with what was left of my skis sticking straight up. I tried my best to get a grip on my surroundings, but my vision was blurred. Not to mention I kept slipping in and out of consciousness. I finally managed to sit myself up in a really awkward and uncomfortable position with my one leg bent under the other one and twisted upright. I opened my eyes, and all I could see was a blur of whites, blues, and grays. A stabbing pain radiated through my head and I fell back onto the ground. I laid there a few more minutes then sat myself back upright.

When I opened my eyes again something was different. Everything was noticeably brighter. I looked around, hurting my neck a little when I turned it. The whole valley was filled with people of all shapes, sizes, and ages, all dressed entirely in white dressy clothing, all with jet black hair and deep violet eyes. It seemed that they stood in a series of rings radiating outwards to the edge of the valley where I was sitting.

At the center of all the rings of people was a massive stone archway. It was covered in strange writing and symbols. Two equally massive stone doors covered the opening. They were slightly cracked open. From that small area, gusts of snow and wind blew.

"The time has come!" With a flurry of snow a tall older woman appeared atop the arch. She looked like the others, long flowing black hair, a beautiful form-fitting white gown, and those violet eyes. "Cromwells, winter is here, and together we bring new life to the world!" Her voice radiated with supernatural force. The crowds of people through their hands up and cheered. Like a queen the woman raised he right hand and they got even louder.

Being a little kid, I was scared shitless. My head hurt, I was cold, and there was a freaking riot going on in front of me. What was I supposed to do. Well, I resorted to the most basic form of fear any child could express. I just began to bawl. No holding back, just pure unrestrained sobbing.

I hadn't been crying for two seconds before hundreds of violet eyes were aimed at me. The woman standing at the top of the door literally froze. Her hair, that had been blowing in the wind, halted in the air. Then slowly her arms whirled around her turning into gusts of snow and in a flurry she was suddenly in front of me. She kneeled down beside me and touched the back of my head where the stone had struck. Her hand was like ice. Which really kind of felt good. When she touched me, I went silent. I just stared up into her eyes. She just smiled down at me.

A little boy, who at the time was about my age, came up and looked over the woman's shoulder. We made eye contact and he whispered something into her ear, keeping his eyes on me the whole time. She whispered something back and then pushed him away. She looked back at me and smiled again. She put her hand, palm up, in front of my face and blew into it. Flakes of snow fluttered out of her hand and onto my face, and once more my consciousness faded.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 12, 2013 ⏰

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