Bam, went his heart

Start from the beginning

    I stood there in shock from what he'd said.

What do you want to know? I'm open to tell you anything.

Is really what I wanted to say. But the words that slipped from my tongue were completely different. "I don't wear a mask, Wilbur. Maybe you do, but I don't-"
    "Stop lying, Schlatt. I just want to be your friend again."
At that moment I knew something was wrong.

This wasn't Wilbur.

He wouldn't say any of this.

He wouldn't even care to ask to come up to my room.

I felt my back slam into the wall and looked at him confused, seeing a look in his eyes that wasn't normal. "Wake-


"Huh..?" I felt my back go through the wall and looked up at him as my eyes went slightly wide. I reached out to grab his hand only to feel my body collide into a patch of flowers on the ground. I groaned slightly, the flowers softening my impact at the least amount and tried to sit up, my head spinning and my vision going a bit wonky for a second. I looked over to see Wilbur standing at the edge of a cliff. I panicked and stood up immediately, rushing over to him only to have my arms swipe through him and wrap around my waist instead. I looked down then back up to Wil. I had never been this confused before but when he turned around, my eyes lit up with hope. "Can you see me? Are you-"

He looked at me, but his gaze seemed to go through me. My heart dropped when I glanced behind me to see myself. "What the fuck.." I muttered, feeling a small panic attack coming on. "Schlatt," I heard Wilbur's voice break in, "wake up."

"What the fuck do you mean wake up! Why can't yo-!" I felt myself slip from the edge of the cliff, looking down behind me to see jagged rocks in the water. I closed my eyes tightly and hugged myself into a ball, getting ready for the immense pain that would stab through my back any second now.


I heard Tubbo's voice break through everything; the scenery around me came to an abrupt stop. My head throbbed and felt like it was spinning. I stood weakly, stumbling over myself for a second to try and get to him.


My heart shattered from the words and I fell to my knees behind him.

"Dad please open the door.. It's cold in here.. I want bee.. please.. I'll do anything, I'll be a good boy.. I'll listen to anything you want me to do.. Please just let me out.."

His voice sounded so weak. The heavy realization of where he was hit me like a bullet to the head. "Oh god.." I muttered; reaching out my arms to try and hug him only to remember I would just go straight through him. "God-.. DAMINT! HAH oh my god you're an IDIOT Schlatt! Why would you lock your son in a fucking icebox? Oh right! Cause you were drunk! Hah not like he'll ever love you again from everything you've done to him so just-!" I snapped at myself.

"I still love you just please let me out.. I know yo-u never know what you're doing wh-when you're drunk so p-please just l-let me out.."

I froze from what he uttered to say through chattering teeth. My eyes started to prickle with tears. I put my hand over half of my face and leaned my head back slightly while I shook to try to not cry. "I love you too buddy.. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to save you or be there when you needed me.. I'm so so sorry Tubbo.. my baby boy. I'm sorry.." I murmured while tears streaked down my cheeks.

"Please.. Please.. wake up.. I'm cold.. Daddy please wake up."

I got the message and watched the scenery melt away leaving me on my knees. I wiped my eyes with my blazer sleeve and looked down, seeing a familiar pair of boots and looked up weakly to see Techno. "Oh what are you gonna show me now..? You gonna show me how I peer pressured him into shooting my son with fireworks?" I assumed while I struggled to get to my feet only to see that we weren't at the festival and back to his castle. "What fuckin memory do I have here..?" I murmured, looking around for a second.
    "Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Minx's voice screamed from upstairs.
    "Mm nevermind I got it.." I sighed.
    "Maybe I am but who fuckin' cares?" I heard myself say while I walked down the stairs.
    "Why are you two yelling?" Techno asked.
    "This little fucker piece of shit cunt shucked faced asshole is trying to get his own son to run for president!"

"Mind taking the cursing down a bit before Tommy picks it up more?" Wilbur's voice cut in from behind me, making me jump for a second but remembered he couldn't see me.
    "Oh please. Tommy already takes after you enough." I spoke, making me turn around again to look at myself.

No dipshit actually he takes after you cause he looks up to you. Ever thought of that?

I wanted to say but wouldn't have any of them hear me.
    "No actually he takes after himself. Tommy, Techno and I were all raised on independence so we all had to learn to be our own persons." Wilbur corrected, making me glance back at him again.

I heard myself scoff and snapped my gaze to me, glaring and wanting to stand up for Wilbur.

"Schlatt, maybe don't be a dumbass with this and actually think of what this'll do to your son. Maybe get your head out of your ass and wake up before doing anything." Techno spoke.

I stood there while staring up at Wilbur for a few moments; taking in his facial structure and the way his hair curled that day. I glimpsed down to see the floor crumbling in under me and sighed softly, allowing myself to fall and close my eyes.

When I felt the ground under me again -which hurt more than expected- I opened my eyes and noticed I had fallen down the castles stairway.

Am I back..? Are we good? We're good fuck yea boys! Ok now time to- fuck.

I had started to get up when I noticed Techno, Tommy and Wilbur all standing over me. "You ok goat man? You seemed to uh taken a bit of a tumble there. Did you get scared and faint?" Tommy exclaimed while holding back a laugh, causing me to narrow my eyes in annoyance and sigh until I saw Wilbur snicker a bit. Techno looked at me and raised a brow, eyeballing me for a moment. "No dumbass. I don't scare easily." I muttered while I sat up, dusting myself off prior to Wilbur picking me up and putting me on my feet again. I froze and stumbled for a second from my head throbbing when I was being thrown around and watching everything spin and change. "Wait- Schlatt you have a tail?" He asked, lifting my blazer which made me blush darkly and spin around, pulling my blazer down tightly. "No! Fuck off you saw nothing!"

"Is it soft??" Tommy asked intrigued.

"It's a fuckin' ram's tail of course it's soft." I muttered.

"So you do have one?" Wilbur asked a bit excitedly but didn't show it.

"I- uh- Techno has a pig tail!" I exclaimed quickly, giving him the attention and running upstairs to my room. I closed the door behind me and slid down the wood, loosening my tie so I could breath, feeling my heart practically pouding outside of my chest while only thoughts of Wilbur crossed my mind. I sat there and pulled my knees to my chest, breathing out shakily while I pushed a hand through my hair.


Kinda rushed the ending there but hey what are you gonna do about it :/
Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Took me a while to write it Ik I'm sorry about that
Have a good rest of your day/night/evening/afternoon:3

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