"You're welcome" Kara smirked taking her glasses from the small handbag hung over her should and placed them of her face.

"Kara what did you do?" You whispered yelled watching as Siobhan cleared out her desk in frustration, losing everything that she had worked for but you weren't sure why. She turns to you in a glare for a moment as you wear confusion but Kara chuckles taking the focus from yourself.

"It was nothing" she shrugged, taking the excuse to leave. As she pasted Siobhans desk she flicks a small item still standing, flinging it across the room with a grin. "Oops"


You were still in the office working late trying to get enough work done now that you had been left to pick up Siobhans to do list aswell.

When walking back to your desk you see Kara and cat talking on the balcony, the girl had completely confused you and was out of order even for someone like Kara who always had something nice to say but now... now you were scared she was becoming more and more like yourself or even worse- Cat Grant.

You found your own eyes trailing over to Cats figure, her hair thrown over her back as She stared out to the city but registered non of her surroundings as she was too fixated on what the hell was up with her prized reporter. "I made you. And you are not going to let me down." You caught their words even from afar.

"Or what?" Kara chuckled crossing her arms over the new costume that she was sporting which reminded you a bit of Astra.  A blood red emblem on the chest side of her black outfit sticking out like a sore thumb "Wait, I forgot. You're the most powerful person in National City. At least that's what they say on TV. You want to see what powerful really looks like?" She asked, you couldn't help but hear the venom laced in her words as she steps closer to Cat who's holding closer onto her confidence much like her jacket that she tugs closer to her body and takes her by the shoulders. Cat doesn't even have time to respond before shes flung from her balcony heading towards the sidewalk with increasing speed letting out a chorus of ear piercing screams.

You rip of the outfit you were wearing in a hurry. You fly down before Cats body collides with the sidewalk. Kara let's out a chuckle as you carry her back up to the balcony letting Cat fall back against the wall in shock, her hair complete mess as it stretches across her face. She clutches her chest sliding down to sit on the cold flooring "what the hell kara?"

"Oh and here he is, you know she has 9 lives right?" she explained more interested in her hangnail that she was working on than meeting your glare.

"What happened to you?" You asked gesturing to her outfit and mood that had certainly shifted within the day.

"What happened to you?" Kara asked finally connecting your eyes together as she stepped closer. "You used to be so powerful until her, Cat Grant made you soft." She grimaced pointing down to cat who's trying her best just to catch her breath against the wall.

"Shut it!" You warned not bothering to look down to the mentioned woman who's watching in fear but also confusion to Kara's confession.

"You just had to go falling for your boss" she teased taking it too far once again. You shake you head at such a thought, you didn't have feelings for cat, that would be ridiculous... right??

"You know I'm stronger than you" you stepped closer warning Kara that if she kept going you were only going to fight her. You much intended for her step back in fear but you had never seen her so confident in her own skill.

"We will see about that." You focused on her grin but she launched forward taking you by surprise as you both topple over the edge of the balcony making Cat jump to her feet and lean over the railing with surprise. You kick her from your grip freeing yourself but she punches back into a building leaving a small Crater in the side of the bank.

Supergirl's brother. A cat grant x male reader fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now