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The next day I was greeted to a bucket of water dunked all over me. Great.

"Ugh, Mother may I please ask what has deterred you to wake me up at this ungodly hour of the morning with ice-cold water?" I complained rubbing my eyes and yawning dutifully.

"Oh, nothing. Just that the Santons are coming over again.. Thought you'd like to know. And then, after we have brunch, Mrs. Santon and I will be going outside shopping. Mr. Santon's got work today." My Mother informed me.

"What, so it'll be like a playdate?"

"No. Well, partially so. But this is me hypothetically speaking here, since there are chances of rain. And you can't have a good day out if it rains."

"I'm hypothetically speaking here as well.."

"Yeah, no. Get out of bed, pudding-head!"

"Loving rhyming there Mother. I think you deserve a merit. Or even a Nobel Peace Prize. What do you think?"

"Hush it." She said naturally.

I just rolled my eyes and hopped off of my bed and went into the bathroom.

Once out I decided on what clothes I was going to wear. Though I was still half-asleep so I just got out anything deemed appropriate.

I had gotten out a green shirt, untucked, some dark blue jeans and my green Converse.

"Help me make brunch, will you?" My Mother called. I mumbled a 'yes, sure' and went downstairs.

An hour later the Santons were here.
"Oh. Oh, oh, oh. The sun is out today. So, Calla, we get to go shopping!" The annoyingly-squeaky voice of Mrs. Santon squealed.

My Mother, unfortunately, didn't express the same resentment as I did.
Jamie, however, did.

"Sorry. Y'know how my mum's like. Shrieks and squeaks and squeals."
He said in a low tone.

I just nodded before greeting him with a hug.

"Soo, ready to be playdates?"

"Playdates? For what are w-oh, ohhh..."

"Knew you'd crack it. Just don't go over-exerting your pretty little head."

"You think I've got a pretty little head? I'm flattered."

"Shouldn't have told you that. I'm just going to add more arrogance to your already engorged ego."

"Don't you know it."

"Darlings-" we both turned to see my Mother and Mrs. Santon at the door, covered in coats.

"Oh. You're going now?" I asked, a bit snidely.

"No actually, we're off to see the Wizard of Oz." My Mother said sarcastically and raised an eyebrow sardonically.

"OK. See you. Bye. Love ya." I hugged her and closed the door after Jamie said goodbye.

"What shall we do?" He inquired. "I don't know wh-should we play Monopoly? Or go on the Playstation 4 and play. Or watch a 3D movie?"

He chose the last one and I set up the TV. "Which one?" I asked holding up a variety of movies.

"That one." He pointed to 'Harry Potter, The Full Collection'.

"Alright, lemme go make the popcorn and get some chocolate. You can get some sodas and sweets." I ordered.

We came back and got situated on the sofa and I inserted 'Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone'.

Chomping and slurping sounds were echoing off the walls. Halfway through 'Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix' I noticed a weight on my left arm which was currently starting to go numb.

Jamie had fallen asleep. Smiling softly I brushed his fringe from his eyes. He looked so peaceful, so beautiful.

Before I knew what I was doing I was kissing him on his full lips. He didn't stir so I pried his lips apart. He tasted like chocolate strawberries and vanilla.

Ripping myself away from him I scooted towards the corner, ashamed of what I had just done.

I didn't bother waking him up. I just let him sleep. Somewhere I had fallen asleep.

Mother and Mrs. Santon came home after we had watched all of the series.

"Wha-aww. Look at the scene Della." She cooed.

"I know, I know! It's simply adorable!"

When they were talking I had woken up to find a lapful of Jamie.

Rolling my eyes I shook him awake. "Hmm?" He murmured sleepily. He was like a sleepy, lazy kitten that had just gotten up.

He yawned, rubbing his eyes with scrunched up little fists and his mouth in a little 'o'. Of course Mother and Mrs. Santon found this cute and started squealing like little girls.

I found the sight cute but I wasn't head over heels over him. Yet.

"Can you guys go through a day without cooing obscenities over me?" He said making himself look intimidating. He appeared looking like a two week year old puppy growling.

The cooing was there again.

"Fine. Fine. You win." He admitted defeat.

I sniggered, earning myself a smack across the back of my head from him.

"Honestly, why did I have to be surrounded by such girls.."

"Knock. Knock." Someone knocked on the door. Jamie rushed to get it.

"Yes, sure. Oh. Ok. I'll tell them. Yes. Yessir. Okay, byeee." He came back a second later clutching a letter.

"It's a confirmation letter. By St. Caulfields. They've accepted me. And they've said that Rosette has to be my PenPal, or Buddy."

I inwardly whooped. I was his buddy. No one else.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" My Mother asked.

"No. Sorry but we've got to go see my husband. He's taking us to a resturant."

"More like a date for mum." The grey-silver eyed boy added.

My Mother seemed to become more disheartened at that fact; she muttered a low "well, okay. Bye," before smiling and retreated back into her room.

They turned to me. I just shrugged and led then out the door. "Bye Jay." I ruffled his hair, slung him into a one armed hug, and closed the door.

Being too tired to walk upstairs I fell asleep on my couch.

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