Chapter 10

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Adrien and Kagami made it official. Since then, I always saw them together. Every time I did, I went the other way.

I no longer sat by Adrien because me and Nino switched seats so I could be with Alya. We haven't spoken a word to each other. Everyone found out about our "break up" a week after I went to the Agreste mansion.

It hurt so much to see him with someone else. But he was happy. I needed to be happy for him. Even if he wasn't with me. I need to be his friend. But that wasn't working out so great either.

I threw out everything he gave me. I didn't have my necklace either since I threw it in that alley. It's probably still there, or someone took it.

After school I started on my homework because I didn't want to be behind again. I got distracted tho and went on my phone instead. I realized I still had all the photos of me and Adrien. I decided to go through them.

I sat down comfortably on my bed, getting ready to see all our memories together. As I looked through the pictures, I could remember everything. And what happened on the day we took it.

Our first date, first sleepover, his birthday, my birthday, and our last good memory together, our 1 year anniversary. I finished looking through them and it needed to happen.

*select* - *delete all*

I needed to move on.

It started to rain, but I still wanted to be outside. I grabbed my umbrella, not noticing it was the one Adrien gave me. I went for a little walk around the park. It was getting late so I decided to head back.

I walked pass the same alley I threw my necklace in. I was curious if it was still there, and it was. Laying on the cold, wet gravel. My golden necklace that said "princess".

I smiled and didn't touch it. That's where it belonged now. Maybe someone will find it, who knows.

I got back home to our bakery and noticed a note on the counter. I read it and it said my parents had to go deliver a cake to a different town, and they would be back in 2 days. I had the house all to myself.

I decided to invite Alya over for a sleepover so I wouldn't be as lonely. I got the living room set up because we were going to watch all the Hunger Games movies that whole night. I got the popcorn, drinks, blankets and pillows ready. It was going to be a fun night.

I heard the doorbell so I rushed downstairs to open the door for Alya. She was ready for the movie marathon and she had her over night bag with her.

We started watching the first movie at 7:00 pm so we weren't going to finish until the next morning. That means an all-nighter! I haven't pulled one in a while so I was a bit rusty. It was all good though because we made coffee to get energized.

We were half way through the last movie and we're exhausted. It was around 6:30 am and we haven't slept. We did have random bursts of energy and had little dance breaks which was fun. But that made us more tired.

I think we went through like 3 cups of coffee.

Alya knew how to make everything better. She was my other half. Who needs a guy when you have an Alya Césaire? She was the best friend ever.

We finally finished the last movie, and my living room was a mess. We both took a shower because we were disgusting. There wasn't really anything to do inside so we went out for lunch. What are the odds that Kagami and Adrien would be there too.

I spotted them, but I looked away. I'm pretty sure Alya did too. I just ignored them so I could have a good time with my best friend. We finished eating and I didn't bother to look at Adrien. We quickly rushed out to go do some other fun activities.

A knew so skating rink was open so we went to go check it out. I wasn't the best at skater but I got the hang of it. Today was the nose fun I had in a long time. I was grateful for it. I needed it.

I got home, and Alya went back to hers because she needed to watch her sisters again. I went up to my balcony to watch the sunset. It was peaceful. The sun was almost completely gone, but then it started to rain. I didn't mind getting wet, I loved the rain. I stood there getting drenched until I noticed people down below.

It was Adrien and Kagami.

Oh life really did love me.

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