Chapter 13: School Freak

Depuis le début

And let's all give Steve Rogers a round of applause for being the biggest badass in the entire world; He just saved my sorry ass from expulsion. I smirked at my Principal who sat with his lips parted slightly... Oh yeah!

Steve stood up and I copied his movements. "Mister Rogers I can only apologise for my students comments towards Seven, I er sorry Sky but I am going to have to punish her for breaking school property," Mister Mortia stated. "I am going to have to suspend her."

I looked at Steve who nodded. "Okay, she shall see you in a week," he said quietly. "Let's go Sky."

Steve opened the office door and walked out, I quickly followed and shut the door behind me. Together we walked through the corridor, we walked side by side and I couldn't help but smile up at Steve who kept a strong poker face.

"Can I just say for an old guy you were pretty cool back there," I spoke up. "I mean come on, that was awesome, you put Mister Mortia in his place!"

Steve looked at me from the corner of his eyes and I was almost certain he smirked a little. "You were provoked, I wasn't going to let you get told off for standing up for yourself," He explained. "Did they really ask if you were an experiment?"

I looked down as I led Steve out of my school. "Yeah," I said quietly. "They would never understand what I've had to do so I could walk these halls, they wouldn't understand the things I've seen, What I've had to do to survive."

"I'm proud that you stood up for yourself but maybe not destroy the classroom next time?" He suggested as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I smiled as the two of us walked out the front of the school and down the path towards Steve car which I hated since I prefered his motorbike but I could only assume it was at the Avengers tower. I wondered if Steve would ever get that bike back?

As we got into the car I looked at Steve. "I honestly thought you'd kill me for what I did today," I stated.

Steve looked at me as he fired up the car. "I used to get beat up a lot," He admitted. "I never walked away from a fight, I don't like people who enjoy bullying others because they are different."

I smiled at Steve. "You know you're actually okay for an old man," I said quietly.

As Steve drove he pointed at me. "Watch it shorty, I maybe old but I would win in a fight" He stated.

I pushed his hand away. "Not a chance!" I stated. "My strength is developing every single day. I'll be stronger than you in no time!"

He poked my stomach. "Not if you don't work out," He stated. "You've gone skinny and lazy!"

"I've been resting," I told him. "Hm I really do need to work out and get back in shape."

"We'll drive by the apartment and change then I'll take you to the boxing gym," Steve told me. "We'll see how good you really are."

As Steve drove through the streets we flicked through the radio since Steve didn't have any CD's to play; He couldn't use the player. The station Steve listened to was awful, they were very old songs from way before my teachers were even born, the songs were slow and boring. I begged Steve to let me wire up my phone but of course he said no... I secretly think technology scared him, I mean he got all wide eyed over the Nintendo Wii when we were at the Avengers tower which was kinda funny.

Steve stopped by the apartment and we changed into some gym clothes, I was actually really excited to work out again; I honestly don't think I ever got dressed that fast in my life. Within minutes we were back in the car with our water bottles and hand wraps, the journey to the gym was over very quickly. Steve parked up and we headed inside the gym; I looked around at the weights, the running machines, the boxing ring in the middle of the gym and the room was decorated in posters, black and white pictures of boxers and old boxing gloves were on display.

"It's a place where those who don't belong can go," Steve said as he stood next to me.

I looked at Steve. "Have you ever felt like that?" I asked quietly.

"When I woke up," He stated. "Now come on, running for fifteen then I'll kick your ass."

"Bring it on!" I told him then ran over to the treadmills.

I turned on the machine as Steve followed behind me. I turned the speed up and started running; Steve was next to me telling me to take it easy but I wanted him to see how good I was, how strong I was. We both matched in speed as we warmed our bodies up, my heart rate was at a good pace and I kept my breathing steady.

"You wanna lift weights?" Steve asked as he looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"YES!" I cheered then slammed the stop button.

I jumped off the treadmill and smiled up at Steve in excitement. I made a beeline for the long pole with weights on the ends, picked up some heavy weights and put them on the ends then I rolled the bar and weights forward. I crouched down and gripped the bar tightly, I took in a deep breath then picked up the bar then I lifted it above me head holding it. I smiled at Steve's shocked face then I dropped the weights and bar.

"You've got your Mother's smile," Steve told me.

I smiled. "And yet she said I had yours," I told him. 

"Your a good kid Sky," Steve told me. "I'm glad we're getting along now."

I looked at my feet. "I'm enjoying this," I stated. "The two of us, doing this. It's fun and I've never admitted this but I have always wanted this."

Steve frowned. "This?" He asked in confusion.

"A family," I told him quietly.

Without another word Steve wrapped his arms around my body, holding me tightly then my arms went around his waist, my head rested against his chest. This was something I wanted for so long...

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