Chapter 2

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It's a rather gray morning; it was definitely going to rain at some point today. I'm sitting at the kitchen island, and indulging myself in a sweet green tea and a well - deserved glazed donut.

I have nothing much to do today, so I just scroll through my feed and bite on my donut.

Scrolling, sipping, eating... Just normal...

Ding! My phone buzzes and displays me a notification. Furrowing my brows in confusion, I click on the tab.

"Hey, this is Eren from the other day. I was wondering if you'd like to meet up somewhere today?"

I almost goddamn choked on my donut, barely even able to process the shock that message gave me. He actually texted me? I didn't expect that.

With one free hand, I quickly text him back.

"Hi! Sure, at what time?"

"Anything is fine as long as you're okay with it. I have a nice coffee place in mind."

"Make it 3 p.m., then. Send me the location."

"OK, it's decided. Don't forget to bring an umbrella with you :)"

And now, all of a sudden, I'm going out for coffee with Eren Yeager. I can feel my heart pounding my chest. First of all, it's so early in the morning. Second of all, I wasn't even expecting him to text me at all.

Nevertheless, for the several hours I waited, I was nothing but a bundle of nerves.


It's 40 minutes before we're supposed to meet up. I prepare myself and put on my outfit. It takes me a while though, as I'm so indecisive on what to wear.

Button-up shirt, skirt, flats... It's a little more casual than my usual attire, but it's not like I'm going to a business meeting like I always do.

I put on some simple make up, and tidy up my hair in a neat hairstyle. Finishing up, I clean my room to kill the time, then flip the light switches and close my room's door.

Hopping down the stairs, I find myself in an unusually cheery mood. At the last step, I almost slipped and would have almost landed on my back.


"Y/n! stop being so clumsy!" I can hear my mom yell from the living room.

"Sorry Mom!"

I head to the entry way and make sure I have every essential with me. Grabbing my keys, I open the door and step outside.

I spot my dad heading out for work in his car.

"You don't come out much. Where are you going?" He asks me, one leg already inside the vehicle.

"I'm... going to meet a friend."

"Hm. Why not have our driver take you there?"

"The place is walking distance from here, it's fine."

"By the way, you're going back to your house after the weekend, right?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Okay then. Take care." he enters his car, and I can see a look of content form on his face. Do I really not go out that much?


After a 10 minute walk, I arrive at the promised place. The coffee shop is small, but had an interesting black-gray interior and felt very cozy.

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