5 February 2011

Dupain Cheng Manor

"Miss, wake up. Rise and shine! The world is out there waiting for you to beautify it! " A maid said enthusiastically as she opened the curtains letting the sunlight reach the huge room and light it up.

The maid went over to the bed. It seemed like Marinette had fully covered her with the blanket. The maid clutched the covers and tugged them away. 

But, all she could find was pillows under it.

She has been fooled again. The maid giggled to herself at Marinette's naughtiness and walked downstairs to make breakfast for the family.

In the dining room

"Father! My friends are planning to meet up today in the evening near the ice-cream shop. Can I go there too???!!" Marinette asked as she seated herself on one of the many chairs in the dining room.

Her father looked happy for a while but then his face turned serious as if he remembered something.

"Ummm... honey, a guest would be arriving this evening...so it seems like, your plans would have to be cancell..."

Marinette hastily stood up and with tears in her eyes, she started running towards the doors before he could finish.

"Honey...it's an important meeting. It involves you and your future" Her mother said from the table.

Marinette turned around.

"DOES IT?? You always say that. Why do you want me to get married? I am still so young. Last time also you had arranged a stupid rich boy. Can't I just spend my life as I wish???"

And with that Marinette slammed the door shut and stormed out.

Tom and Sabine Dupain Cheng had nothing to do with this matter. They just sighed quietly.

Marinette didn't know where she was going until she realised that she was in front of the Agreste bakery. 

For some time, she just stared at the big sign on top of the house. Why did her parents do this to her?? She really wanted to be free and happy. 

From there Marinette could hear laughs coming from inside the bakery. She smiled.

Oh, how she wished she had a family like this. Adrien was so lucky. Although he only had his father, he was happy. 

Marinette remembered about Adrien's dog, Natalie. Natalie was such a cute puppy!! She would play with Adrien day and night. Sometimes, he would even bring his puppy to school!

"Earth to Marinette!"

Marinette wiped her eyes to see that Adrien was smiling at her as he waved his hand in front of her face.

"Oh, Hi Adrien!" Marinette felt her mood lighten up a bit after seeing her friend.

"Hi-i...M-Marinette!" Adrien stuttered."W-hat A-are you here doing?"

Marinette laughed a bit at Adrien's word arrangement.

"I had some family issues..."

It was when they heard screams and noises from a distance.

They knew what had happened. 

Both of them said their lies and ducked off to their hiding places.

"What's going on?" She asked the people in front of her. After detransforming she saw that a huge crowd gathered in the street. The students were excited over something. She couldn't see past their heads, but she knew she had to stop whatever was happening. It was her job as class president after all.

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