Room Trouble

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'I am sorry, ma'am. We only have two rooms left.'

As far as Historia can tell, the girl behind the counter does not look sorry at all.

She looks bored.

Well, that is not entirely true. Perhaps, she is mildly interested in the three of them. Possibly she wonders why they have insisted on getting three rooms, or why they look slightly disgruntled that only two are available. She is eyeing Ymir and herself critically, her eyes cutting back to
Sasha every now and again.

Historia notices that she smiles slightly and her eyes open minutely whenever they land on her. It is quite obvious that she finds her very attractive.

Historia, in turn, finds her very amusing. She likes studying people, and, particularly women. She generally considers their body language to be much more expressive than that of men. Historia likes figuring out what makes people tick. How they hold themselves. How they dress. Where their eyes turn. Their choice of words or the physical reactions that are beyond their control or knowledge.

The girl at the counter looks about 12, with her high ponytail and enthusiastic gum chewing. Which means she is probably 20, but still, too young to be working at a random road motel desk at this time at night. Historia vaguely wonders what her story is. She is always interested in life choices and their consequences.

She can tell what the girl is doing though: she is trying to figure out which one of them is going to sleep with Sasha.

Well, not me. That's for sure.

'Ok, then.' Ymir gives the girl a tight smile, hesitates for a second, and then, grabs the two keys with a shrug. They will have to make do. She does not look too amused. In fact, she has been in a bit of a mood since her car broke down and the three of them ended up having to stay at this road motel in the middle of Nowhere, US.

Historia is not too happy either. It is certainly not her choice to spend the night with Ymir and Sasha. Although to be truthful, it is only Sasha's presence that she finds irksome. But she is trying to behave like an adult and not get too wound up about any of this.

She considers herself a pragmatic. A survivor. Someone capable and willing to adapt to whatever life throws her way.

This is only a minor annoyance.

Hopefully, their car will be fixed in the morning and they can all leave.

Sanity intact.

She turns to Ymir, who is looking at the keys with a bit of a frown on her face.

Historia thinks she looks adorably cute when she frowns.

Here is a woman she dare not analyze. She has never attempted to turn her full deductive powers on Ymir. She is afraid she will not like what she may discover. And so, she refrains from looking too closely. Mostly, to preserve her heart.

She orders herself to look as nonchalant as possible. Like she does not really care how they split the rooms. She looks at the ceiling and smirks slightly. If she tells that to herself a thousand times, she just might start to believe it.

Ymir gives them both a smile as she shows them the keys. 'So, guys. How should we do this?' she turns her head to look first to Sasha and then to Historia. Sasha does not answer, but she smirks at Historia over Ymir's shoulder.

Historia can tell Ymir is trying to be nice. In fact, she has been trying hard all day to keep both of them involved in the conversation. Something that, unfortunately, is somewhat of a rarity these days.

Maybe she is finally ready to listen to her? Historia can only hope.

There is a moment of silence between the three of them, where they just look at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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