Chapter 1: Just a beginning

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Before read the chapter, i hope you guys have already read the description so i didn't need to explain what this book about :'D


"Dad are we there yet?."
"Nope, We will arrive in 10 minutes."

If you wondering what happened, well me and my dad are moving to ninjago town. Because my dad got a new job right on that town.

i sat beside a window and watching cars passing by. i look at my phone and Lloyd texted me.

Lloyd: Are you here yet?

me: Nope my dad said, we will arive in 10 minutes

Lloyd: Ah okay, do you want anything before you got here?

me: Make me a spicy ramen noodles

Lloyd: are you sure?

me: 100% sure

Lloyd: ah okay, I can't wait to see you in real life!

me: same!!

Maybe you asking why lloyd texted me. Well because he is my cousin, we never meet before. we only did video call or just sending selfies. we usually talk about something we like.

about 10 minutes passed we finally arrive at this apartment. "wow, the apartment is so huge" i said as i walk inside with my dad. we walk into the elevator and going to the 5th floor. after a couple of second the elevator door opened and we walk straight to find room 169. "this one" my dad said as he took the key from his bag and put it at the keylock.

we walk inside and "the room, they had everything!" i said as i walk around to see the furniture. they had living room, bathroom, bedroom and even kitchen!. after a couple of minutes, i heard someone knocking our door. i open it and "LLOYD?!?.", "Y/N!" i quickly give him a hug. this is the first time i hug him in real life. usually we do this on vr chat, but now i don't need vr chat anymore.

after a couple of chats Lloyd said if he wanted to came back to his room and do stuff. "wait, do you bring my spicy ramen noodle?" i ask to make sure he brings that food. "oops i left that at my place tehe." he said.

"Then let's go to your place !" i said as i told my dad if im going to Lloyd's place. "Okay lead me the way." i said as Lloyd walk and i go after him.

"there you are." lloyd said. "WAIT WHAT." i yelled.

"YOU LIVE NEXT TO ME?." i said

"umm yes?.." Lloyd said as he give me a tiny smile


"Alright - Alright, do you want the ramen or not?"

"yes please.." i said

we enter into Lloyd's place and "wow so many decoration you got here" i said. "thanks i try to make this place as not boring as i can." after a couple of seconds Lloyd hands me the ramen

"Mmhmmn it smells so good!" i said as i began to eat the ramen.

"Isn't it too spicy for you?." Lloyd ask me

"No no no, Its perfect." i said as i take second bites

"do you wanna to try it too?" i said as i gave the ramen to him

"no thanks, i don't like spicy foods" Lloyd said

"ah okay" i said as i continue eating the ramen.

"ah btw, do you have school tomorrow?." Lloyd ask

"Yeah, i got attended to Ninjago Highschool"

"for real?"

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