chapter 5

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Wei wuxian keeps visiting lan wangji until lan wangji was 13

Wei wuxian: a-zhan?

Lan wangji: wei ying

Wei wuxian: should i call you lan wangji now?

Wei wuxian asked

Wei wuxian: 'what a coincidence lan zhan's past self's courtsey name was wangji'

Lan wangji shakes his head

Lan wangji: no

Wei wuxian: ok ok sure

Lan wangji: wei ying.....

Wei wuxian: yes?

Lan wangji: i-i want to ask you a question

Wei wuxian: mm? What is it?

Lan wangji: how old are you?

Wei wuxian went silent

Lan wangji panicks

Lan wangji: a-ah you dont need to answer i-

Wei wuxian: lan zhan

Wei wuxian said gently that lan zhan stopped

Wei wuxian: im about 800+ years old

Lan zhan: you are ... older than i thought...

Wei wuxian: hey! Im not THAT old

Lan zhan: for me you are....i have another question

Wei wuxian: ask

Lan zhan: as i mother didnt tell you to protect me....what are you doing sorry if im being offensive....

Wei wuxian looked at lan wangji in the eye and saw lan wangji with his curious gaze with that "please-tell-me-honestly" look

Wei wuxian has a very soft spot for his husband who he loves so much in the world

Wei wuxian's title is "black flute control corpse" or in short they mostly call him yiling patriarch

Wei wuxian: i...

Lan zhan looked at him

Wei wuxian sighs

Wei wuxian : 'guess i have to tell my husband the truth ....i cant help because i love him too much'

Wei wuxian: your past self...

Lan zhan: past self?

Wei wuxian: you are the reincarnation of my husband..

Lan zhan fell down

Lan zhan: h-husband..

Lan zhan blushed , he knew he fell so inlove with wei ying even if he is 13 years old and wei ying is 800 something. He still loves him

Wei ying: your past self was my husband .. he told me to keep loving him and search for his reincarnation and take care of his reincarnation and possibly marry him if his reincarnation loves me...i knew i would always love him even if he is a plant i will still take care of that plant


Lan wangji was fighting with corpses

Wei ying tried to help even if he is a ghost who has his own form he still cant help his husband

Lan wangji was slashed by a corpse and he spitted blood

Wei ying shouts

Wei ying: LAN ZHAN!

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