A Peaceful Night

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A/N: First chapter! This is a request from loyd-146! They didn't really specify so I'm doing this as platonic, this takes place irl and they're roommates.

Wilburs POV
Wilbur had been very stressed recently. He was working on a new song and he needed to get out and edit a few more videos plus he was scheduled to stream today. He was tired and hungry and all he wanted was to be small but he couldn't. Not with his roommate, Technoblade aka Tyler(using a fake name because he said he doesn't like people using his really name) still in the house. He was so tired and he had made another mistake while editing which frustrated him further. He could feel the tears in his eyes and shut them tight to stop them from falling.

'I'm not going to cry.'

He was startled by a knock at his door before it opened and a tired light brown haired male walked in.

"Hey, I'm going to the store...do you want anythin?..Hey Wilbur are you alright?"

He turned to face the slightly shorter man, Tyler.
He was shorter but not by much, he wasn't as skinny and Wilbur was and his hair was shorter and a bit lighter than Wilburs. His eyes were a dark brown, almost red in the light.

"Yeah, I'm okay"

He silently cursed himself, he sounded small and scared, he dug his nails into his palm to stop himself from slipping in front of his friend.

"You sure? You've been workin real hard lately, maybe you should take a break"

He sounded worried and had a look of sympathy and concern in his eyes.

'no, break means little and I have to be big to finish this'

"No, I'm alright. I just need to finish this video and a few other things before I'm done!"

He tried to sound happy.
Keyword- Tried.

"Wil come here"

Wilbur was confused to say the least, Techno wasn't the touchy type. He usually showed affection through gifts or compliments because he himself preferred not to be touched.
Which is why it confused him so much when he walked closer to him and was immediately taken into a hug.

"It's okay, you don't need to stress yourself out like this just for some dumb videos."

The huh and words had Wilbur silently crying into Technos shoulder, he slipped within seconds and just wanted to nap and cuddle.


He sounded so small and vulnerable.

"Yeah wil?"

He didn't question it.

"c-can we um..can I has cuddles?"

"Sure bud, you go hop in bed and I'll put on some more comfortable clothes"

He didn't care, he knew hay was happening with Wilbur but he didn't care.


Wilbur happily ran out of the his office and to his room, jumping on his bed and snuggling under the covers.
A few minutes later, Techno appeared from the door way and slid into bed with him.

"night night bubba"

"Gnight bud"

They fell asleep with Wilbur cuddled close to Technos chest, snuggled under blankets and soft breathing and snoring being heard through the house.

It was a peaceful night for the two.

The next day they both woke up.
Wilbur spent almost the entire day apologized while Techno assured him it was fine.

"B-but I didn't mean to! It was an accident I didn't want you to know-"

"Wilbur. It's fine, I like acting like your big brother anyway"

Techno became Wilburs caregiver after they both agreed to it.

It was another peaceful night for the two.

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