Deadly Winter

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It was
a special winter.
Her first winter alone
since mama died.
No warm soups
or caroling
with friends.
Instead of
and building
snowmen with mama.
She was taking refuge
in old sheds
under bridges
with nothing
but a thin,
yellow blanket
to provide her warmth.
Winds piercing screams
echoing through the
in which she slept tonight.
hanging dangerously low
from the
layer of ice
surrounding it's bark.
She never thought
she would miss the rain
so much...
She wraps
her blanket around her,
trying to block out
the chaotic symphony
of winters
screeching violins
as she drifted
into an unsettling sleep,
dreaming of
hot cocoa
and mamas
chicken soup.

Deadly Winter(Poem)Where stories live. Discover now