"What are you doing?"

You read the message quickly looking back up to the others who still don't seem to be confident on the problem at hand. "Ugh Cat needs me in, she says it important. Does that woman ever stop working?" You asked looking at Kara.

Kara let's out a chuckle. "Not that I know of, you should go, I'll deal with Max." She explains taking the lead on the mission, with the DEO in the picture it sure didn't need your help.

"Okay stay safe." You let out a small sigh breaking from the group.

"You too"

You leave the DEO heading in the direction of Catco. You're walking in silence until you phone blares. "Yes Ms Grant I'm on my way, what's so urgent on a Saturday?" You ask hiding your frustration about being roped into work on a weekend.

She's about the reply at your question but your cut away from the phone call, a force strong like yourself pushing you hard into a building leaving the phone to smash against the sidewalk. "Y/N?" The phone cuts out as Bizarro stomps on it crushing it under his foot.

Your about to attack back but you realise that your still in your human clothes well almost, his breath burns through your shirt, your family emblem shinning through the large burnt hole across your chest. "Please, please, you're making a mistake." You groaned looking around for anyone that could notice you, still clinging on to your Y/n Danvers persona.

But it was clear. So you ripped the rest of the shirt off, quickly swiping your glasses of in the process making it clear that Captain Super had arrived. You pushed yourself from the wall launching straight towards your clone.

He takes a jump at you using heat breath to slow down your own movements but you quickly cool down the heat pushing him
Back with each exhale. He was as strong so it didn't make such a difference but you kept pushing.

You continue defending yourself from his opposite powers until you hear helicopter arrive above your head. "We've got him in our sights. Fire! Again! He's down." A rainfall of bullets fall above you only one of the shots penetrate deep into his skin making him collapse down onto his knees, the rest bounce on the sidewalk surrounding you both.

His face twists and turns, small burns bubbling on his skin, his nose bleeds out quickly, a weird glop of blue liquid rushing out. "What the Rao is happening to him?" You ask watching him shift and groan.

"It's the Kryptonite. It's degrading him. It's corrupting him" Alex explains coming to yourside. You should had stayed at the DEO.

He lets out a animalistic growl "Hate you!" He spits towards you before flying away quickly.

You groan trying to follow along but your feet didn't even leave the ground and you collapse down onto your knees with a groan. "It's the Kryptonite artillery, you can't go after him." Alex explains helping up back up as the DEO agents collect the bullets scattered around you.

"That's fine!" You grunted forcing yourself to stand up with Alex's help. "I have to get to work." You grunted, walking further away until you had the strength to fly.

You land harshly on Cats balcony, her back towards you as she paces the room looking down at a document in her hand, the rest scattered across the small coffee table. "Finally." She groans spinning around at the sound of your arrival. "Oh Captain super, I suppose he'll do." She takes a moment to inspect you closer as you groan in pain. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Bizarro. Kryptonite. Take a pick" you groaned unsure why you were still hurting after leaving the infected zone.

"Can I do anything?" She asks with urgency dropping the file onto her sofa and coming to your side.

"No im good Ms Grant." You muttered leaning one hand on the sofa as you fight through the pain.

"You know you can call me Cat, I don't bite." She smiled weakly helping you sit down on the arm rest of the sofa facing towards her. She continued her search looking for any physical indication for your pain.

"Some people may disagree" you tease forcing out a small chuckle, your eyes snap towards Cats and she already looking back down at you causing a small shiver to run down your spine.

Cat snaps her gaze away as her hand hoovers your skin, she looks down to your arm where there's a small tear in your suit. "Oh. You're hit." She explains noticing the bullet hole

"Ah shit that's what it is. Can you pass me something sharp." You look down moving your arm to see the krytonite poking out from a fresh wound.

Cat staggers around her office, basically tearing the draws from her desk as she searches them in urgency. She sighs in relief pulling out a pair of red scissors and rushing back towards you. "Will these do?"

You smile taking the scissors from her grip and shoving one of the blades deeper into the cut, trying to get it under the small piece of krytonite that was burning you up. "Ugh I can't get it, stupid rock." You groan as the scissors leave the wound involuntarily, leaving the rock to stay put.

"What happens when there's a long exposure?" Cat asks ask you continue to poke at the hole but your sight was starting to blur making you see double.

"I don't know most likely death, I suppose." You shrugged.

"Oh well we can't have that" she said ripping the scissors back out of your hand into hers. She roughly takes your arm and twists it so that she had better access to the bullet hole, she grimaced slightly at the fresh blood spilling from it.

"Oh Rao" you cried out as she stabs the wound without any warning.

"Stop moving!" She orders as she leans in more pushing the blade further in, twisting it painfully to scoop out the green rock.

You wince at ever movement of the blade but still managed to speak. "Thanks by the way. You didn't have to do this." You explained softly letting the woman help you out.

"I think I do, now deep breath" she tugs the scissors towards her pulling the rock out slowly leaving you in excruciating pain.

"What? Oh fucking hell.. it's out" you Yelp, the wound closing behind itself leaving your skin like nothing had ever happened.

Cat watches curiously but looks down the the krytonite in her palm. "Um what should I do with this?" She asks looking down to the glowing green that was radiating from such a small piece of your planet.

"Here pass" you take the rock from her outreached hand and pinch it between your finger and the pad of your thumb as you led it over to your desk, taking out a lead safe from one of the draws.

"You have a lead case in your draw?" Cat asks clearly impressed by your thinking although confused to why it was there.

You finally have it locked away and you could feel your strength returning slowly. You look back up to cat who's on the opposite side of your desk and chuckle. "I was thinking snacks but you know safety"

You place the safe back into its designated spot on the bottom draw under a pill of unfinished paperwork. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I Should be, now what did you need help on Ms G- Cat?" You asked referring to the reason that you were even here for. You glance at the files swarming her office and note that probably what she didn't help with.

Cat waves dismissively turning on her heel, "don't worry about it, go rest I've got it"

Supergirl's brother. A cat grant x male reader fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now