How you met

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You had recently enrolled into UA when you walked through the gate you were a little nervous. You walk up muddled up in your thoughts. Suddenly you bumped into a wall. Scratch that, it was actually someones back. You look up to see spiky blonde hair. The guy turns around and glares at you, his ruby eyes glistening in the sun. You step back mesmerised in his eyes. You never noticed he was speaking to you until he snapped his fingers in front of you. You stutter, "Oh sorry, i didn't notice you." Bakugos growled and shouted, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDNT NOTICE ME!?!? IM GONNA BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO AND WHEN I DO YOUR GONNA REGRET BUMPING INTO ME!" You step back as he spat all over your face. You clenched your fists and glared back at him, "Excuse me you angry little....pomeranian! I didnt notice you so stop being so rude! Im sorry ok!" Bakugos eyes glowed brighter. shit, I've angered the pomeranian. You thought. He opened his mouth to say something when a guy with spiky red hair came and stopped him, "Cmon Bakubro, leave the girl alone." He says patting the guys back. "Im Kirishima, and this is Bakugo. What's your name?" You smile gratefully at Kirishima, "Im F/n L/n, Im a new student in Class 1-A." Bakugo looked at you shocked, "Great! I guess we are classmates then!" Kirishima smiled cheerfully. You smile at him then followed them into your new class.

You were really sick and tired of your family. You escaped them by going to a soba place nearby. You step in and see the place jam-packed. You curse looking around for an empty seat. You see a boy about your age, eating soba, alone. You tentatively step near him and wave, "Ummm hi, may I sit there?" You say pointing to the seat in front of him. The guy looks up at you and shrugs. You thank him and sit down. A waitress comes over and smiles at the guy. "Oh Todoroki! Nice to see you here! Would you like another cold soba?" She says moving closer to the boy named Todoroki. He nods and she turns to go when Todroki calls out, "Excuse me, aren't you gonna take this girls order?" He says. You look up shocked, you had forgotten that you hadn't been asked. The waitress turns around annoyed. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend todoroki." She smiles fakly. You yelp, "Oh no! No, sorry, we're not dating, he just let me sit here-" You giggle nervously. Todoroki gazes at you curiously. The waitress glares at you annoyed, "What would you like?" She asks irratated. You look at Todoroki and smile nervously,
"Umm just some cold soba please." You answer. The waitress leaves and todoroki looks at you, "So, what's your name?" He asks. You smile and answer, "Im f/n L/n, What about you?" Todroki smiles a little, "Oh I'm Shoto todoroki." You start talking until your cold soba comes. You two eat and then you give your number to Todoroki who promises to call you.

You were at the UA sports festival watching two people fight. You were a little bored but your friends had forced you to come. You sit next to a guy who was taking notes of all the battle. You lean over to him and whisper, "You forgot the spinning kick special move." The guy thanks you and writes it down before shooting his head up and staring at you. "Sorry, I couldn't help telling you." You giggle. He smiles nervously, "Sorry, I can't help taking notes to get better in my own fighting." You smile at him and put your hand in front of him, "Im F/n L/n, you?" He shakes your hand, "Im Izuku Midoriya!" You two talk until the festival ended, then you exchanged numbers and promised to meet up next week.

To be honest, you were secretly a big fan of pokeman. Especially pikachu. One day, you went to the arcade and saw a guy with pikachu coloured hair. He was smirking at a game and was clearly winning. You were staring at him without noticing. When the guy noticed you he walked over and clicked his fingers infront of you, "Why are you staring at me?" He says. You blink and smile, embarrased. "Im sorry, im F/n L/n." You rub your arm. Denki smirked and points at himself, "Well I am Denki Kaminari. Why were you staring at me?" He asks. You squeal and take out your phone before taking a picture, "You look like pikachu!!" You say. Denki rolled his eyes. "Wrong famous guy, princess." You forced him to take your number and give his own so you could call him..
You and your friends had enrolled into UA but only you had passed. You didnt want to stay without your friends but they froced you to. As yous at in your new class, 1- A you sulked and played with a pen. A guy with spiky red hair and a kind smile started talking to you, "Why are you so glum?" He asks. You ignore him and turned. He frowned then went infront of you, "Im Kirishima, and you?" You grunt, "Y/n." You hoped by saying that he would go away. He didn't. He stayed with you throughout the day. Before you went home he said, "We're gonna become good friends y/n, I know it."

You had signed up to be with a new hero company. You were sick and tired of all the others same old boring routines. When you came here you went to the boss hero, Hawks. When you went into his office you saw him taking a picture of himself. When he saw you he smirked and beckoned you in. You walk in and sit on the chair, "Hi, thank you form seeing me-" You say before hawks interrupted, "You're hired." You look up at him shocked, "But I-" You start again. Hawks puts up his hand, "I can see it in your eyes, you're gonna be one of the good ones." You smile and nod. This was gonna be way better than all other companies.

You had found out about the Leauge of villains and out of boredom, you decided to join them. You found it relatively easy to find them and you walked through the door to see four grown men watching TV and a teenage girl playing with a knife. They all turn to stare at you and you cross your arms and lean on the door, "Huh, some league of villains." You roll your eyes. A guy with black hair  steps forwatd with blue flames on his hand, "Who are you?' He says, he moves quickly and wraps hi9s arms around your throat. "Chillax fire boy, I just wanted to join your ragtag scooby gang." You roll your eyes. The guy, whose name you knew, looked up at Shigaraki for permission. You scoff and Shigaraki nods. Dabi lets go and you turn, "Oh we are gonna have some fun fire boi."

You had joined league of villains but you still hadn't seen the boss. You were begging Dabi to let you see the boss. One day Dabi was fed up with you and took you. You walked into a room and saw Shigaraki in the corner, itching his neck. You scoff and turn to Dabi, "You were hiding THIS as if he was a treasure. He's just-" Shigaraki ignored Dabi and looked at you, "So you are the kitten that got killed by curiosty. What do you want." He says. You smile brightly and bound up to him, " I wanna be your right hand man...or woman whatever." Shigaraki looked at you and sighs, "Oh boy."


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